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    Deep Dives
    Sofia Dankis
    Escrito por
    Sofia Dankis

    A Cinematic Valentine’s Day

    Build the romcom you wish to see in the world

    This Valentine’s Day, I choose to celebrate a special bond – that between a person and their canine companion. While my team already knows that I turn into a baby-talking mess when I see any animal, what I love about dogs is that the joy is often mutual. Whether they show it in the form of tail wags, tippy taps, butt wiggles, or joyful borks, dogs are generally just happy to be around people. And nothing screams “love at first sight” like the scene in the movie  Bridesmaids  where one of the characters, Megan, decides on the spot to adopt a total of nine golden retrievers. Even though she later confesses that she probably overcommitted  slightly, I’ve decided to follow her example – in Minecraft, of course! Bringing a real-life dog into your home shouldn’t be taken lightly. But anyway, here are my puppies! Technically, tamed wolves, but isn’t that what all dogs are? Right now I’m working on expanding the yard – but in the meantime, any name suggestions are more than welcome! I’m definitely not overwhelmed.”

    Cristina Anderca

    Sure, a sassy fire demon called Calcifer might not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think Valentine’s Day, but give me a few sentences to convince you otherwise! Valentine’s Day is all about love, but that doesn’t mean if you’re not coupled up you shouldn’t feel celebrated. One of my all-time favorite movies is Howl’s Moving Castle. It’s about a young woman, Sophie (obviously an  excellent  name) who learns to believe in herself. To love those around her (even the people that aren’t kind to her) and to realise she’s worthy of being loved, too. And because Calcifer is at the  heart  of it all (and because I am not quite talented enough to build something like this), I decided to build him. So whether you’ll spend the day with a partner, a friend, family or with yourself, remember that love is for everyone, that there are all different kinds of love, and, just like Sophie: you’re worthy of them all. Happy Valentine’s Day!

    Sophie Austin

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