Today we're releasing 1.14.2, a release that addresses a few issues left from 1.14.1. We wanted to release these fixes as soon as possible as they had a big impact to gameplay, but we do also have a bunch of less critical bugfixes releasing soon in an upcoming 1.14.3 - stay tuned!
- All light will now be re-calculated the first time you open a world saved in a pervious version
- Errors encountered while loading regions now print more diagnostics to the log file
- Fixed so parrots can spawn on grass blocks and not only on grass
- Added server-side chunk count to debug screen
- Modified raider spawning so they can only ever spawn in fully loaded chunks
- Increased search radius for bell when starting a raid from 48 to 64 blocks
- Fixed bugs
- MC-152824 - Stuck in Doorways and fence gates
- MC-147715 - Entities clip through blocks after travelling through an end gateway
- MC-142134 - Light sources spontaneously not working in some chunks
- MC-147715 - Entities clip through blocks after travelling through an end gateway
- MC-148933 - You cannot swim while sneaking
- MC-149111 - When hovering over a world that needs to be updated, the game calls the current version a snapshot even if it is a release
- MC-149916 - Teleporting long distances on servers causes you to clip into the ground
- MC-152272 - Server stops responding after log out error
- MC-148898 - Hebrew letters aren't assigned to their correct textures
- MC-148627 - Swimming up to a ceiling makes the player crouch
- MC-16883 - Villagers play the trade sound multiple times overlapping on shift-click
- MC-90423 - Ender Dragon makes breath attack at highest block placed in the center column of the portal
- MC-140174 - No item pickup sound when a villager picks up an item
- MC-142134 - Light sources spontaneously not working in some chunks
- MC-145730 - Iron golem does not attack players when hitting villagers
- MC-147431 - Max item stack amount can be skipped using new villager trades menu
- MC-148064 - "Ghost" End Crystals stay behind after destruction on ender dragon respawns.
- MC-148073 - Beacon beam doesn't have the correct color if the colored glass isn't directly on top of the beacon
- MC-148626 - Shulker boxes lose their names
- MC-148677 - Mobs do not spawn on soul sand
- MC-148805 - Breaking an empty shulker box in Creative mode causes it to drop itself
- MC-148847 - Guardian zapping noise is looped when played
- MC-149511 - No sounds for villagers planting crops
- MC-149993 - Cut Sandstone Slabs aren't part of the slabs block tag
- MC-150170 - Animals, Villagers, Item Frames, Armor Stands, etc are disappearing
- MC-150414 - Constructing and placing a beacon doesn't give the advancement
- MC-150969 - The Wither is attacking undead mobs
- MC-151047 - Trader llamas immediately disappear when being bred or spawned with a spawn egg
- MC-151062 - Grindstoning an enchanted book without a custom name names the new (unenchanted) book "Enchanted Book"
- MC-151185 - Game crash after breaking villager point of interest
- MC-151329 - Major FPS drop after running a mob farm for 30 minutes
- MC-151365 - Flaming arrows can light waterlogged campfires
- MC-151418 - Observers don't update redstone properly
- MC-151674 - RegionFiles are not closed when they are evicted from cache
To install the release, open up the Minecraft Launcher and click play!
Cross-platform server jar:
Report bugs here:
Want to give feedback?
- Head over to our feedback website or come chat with us about it on the official Minecraft Discord.
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