In real life, using bridges that have been built in a matter of seconds is rarely a good idea. Ahhh, but bridges that have been rapidly constructed in Minecraft... now that I am a fan of! I’ve had a bit of an overpass obsession lately, ever since I saw how the pros build bridges in competitive Minecraft modes, like BedWars and SkyWars (where quickly travelling between islands is absolutely essential).
Below, I’ll go through how a few of these speed bridging techniques work. It’ll be thorough, so don’t bother asking for an abridged version. Oh no! That’s a horrible bridge pun. I’ve gone a bridge too far this time. Drat, another one! I know I’ve probably burned some bridges now. Curses! What’s wrong with me? Let’s just get on with the list. Make sure you look them all over and don’t pas-NO.
OK, now I’ve calmed down, let’s go over the easiest way to speed bridge in Minecraft, which is the Ninja technique. To understand how it works, you first need to know that when you’re crouching in Minecraft, you’re unable to fall off edges. Give it a go. Just crouch and move towards an edge. See? You can’t fall off.
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