Here I am just starting to write an intro, and yet I find myself already at The End? I've never been restricted by things like "story structure" or "time" before! But then again, who needs an intro when there are pretty pictures and a whole video to share the news: Echoing Void, Minecraft Dungeons latest DLC, is here, available on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Windows PC, and Xbox One!

Echoing Void has arrived
Time to end this!
You’ve followed the story of the Arch-Illager and found the shards from the Orb of Dominance – now it’s finally time to end its seemingly infinite influence and reach the conclusion... in the End! But don't fret – it is merely the conclusion of the Arch-Illager saga. There's more to come for Dungeons!
Plenty of challenges and treasures await you in Minecraft’s darkest dimension; face new enemies like the Enderlings, collect legendary gear, and make your way through three challenging missions using everything from elytra gliding to shulker flying. Just watch out so you don’t dive right into the void itself.

Besides the new DLC, we’re also thrilled to bring players a new free update that is sure to spice things up for all our dungeon-diving heroes. Included in it is a hefty mix of features, such as powerful enchantments, and the Gauntlet of Gales – a windy new mission that puts both your fighting and puzzle-solving abilities to the test. This mission can be easily accessed through the mission map, once the update has been installed.
There are plenty of different ways to pick up your copy of Echoing Void. Learn more about our different deals, such as the Ultimate Edition or the Ultimate DLC Bundle, over at the Minecraft Dungeons page. For a detailed breakdown on gameplay changes and additions, check out the Echoing Void patch notes page!
The End awaits – are you ready for the task?
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