Usually, being too small isn't much fun. You can't go on the best funfair rides, you can't help yourself to sweets from high shelves and people never say, “Wow, you're extremely tall! Here, have some free money!”
But the creative team behind our awesome Glide Mini Game don't see being small as a bad thing. On the contrary, it's inspired them to shrink you down to size for their latest trio of Glide tracks! The title 'Giants' doesn't describe you, see, but the world around you now that you're a miniscule Minecrafter gliding through gigantic environments and avoiding massive hazards!
The Giants track pack is available on console now as of today's massive update. Take a look at the screens below, along with some insights from David Keningale, the talented art director at 4J who helped bring them to life. No small feat! (Ha! Good one, me!)
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