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    Tom Stone
    Tom Stone
    18. 10. 2.

    Our Marketplace Picks: September 2018

    Our three Marketplace highlights for the previous month!

    Loading Flight of the Bumblebee and listening it to it at full speed opened my eyes to how awesome this map was. I've been carefully putting together Despacito with a cat in the lead vocals. Simply magical.
    There's so many cool Easter eggs and highly detailed locations which make this city come alive. Quirky neighbours with fun stories you can find by visiting their apartments. A city founder who has become a recluse and lives inside a statue of themself. Oh, and you can visit the Everbloom Studios headquarters and live the high life as a Marketplace partner yourself!
    Since discovering ZigZag through a Minecraft.net article, it's become one of my favorite resource packs. Developed by Harmonix artist and game developer Jamie McKiernan, the pack has a feel of professional craftsmanship that makes it stand out above many others. The higher-definition textures allow for more fine details, from wrinkled beds to smiling creepers. The pack makes Minecraft feel fresh and new, and I love discovering old blocks and mobs all over again.

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