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    Per Landin
    Per Landin
    18. 6. 4.

    Our Marketplace Picks: May 2018

    What are our three favourite Marketplace items this month?

    This prequel to the popular Java map, Terra Swoop Force, shows off the sweet Update Aquatic features and introduces custom aquatic mobs and bosses! Boat Shark is the best shark.
    This follow-up to Relics of the Privateers has you flying around in air planes and conquering dungeons. My favorite part was putting custom decals on my plane. Also, that sky box is mint.
    This full-scale adventure map is fully voice acted and comes with a total conversion texture pack. This project demonstrates what is possible when making games with Minecraft. My favorite is the part with the Elytra, but the puzzles and adventure for all areas make this a standout project!

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