After some recent irregularities in our Snapshot schedule (public holidays, we're looking at you!) we're back to shipping on a Wednesday! Among other things, 24w20a includes a buff to the amount of Redstone Dust dropped by Witches, as well as a long requested change to make Piston sounds a tad more pleasing to the ear. We're also throwing 41 new bug fixes into the mix, because we like squashing bugs.
Happy mining!
- Witches now always drop 4-8 redstone dust on death
- This is to improve the viability of farms that utilize Witch Huts to obtain Redstone Dust
- Improved player attribute and effect handling
- Custom set base attributes are now kept when respawning
- Active effects and modifiers are kept when changing dimension or winning the game
- Updated credits
- Updated Piston sounds to lower volume and attenuation
- This was done to address the long-received feedback on the old sounds being too harsh and loud, creating very noisy redstone builds
Technical Changes
- Data Pack version is now 44
Data Pack Version 44
- dimension_padding jigsaw structure NBT tag was changed
- Now it is an object with fields:
- bottom the vertical padding at the bottom of the dimension, non-negative integer
- top the vertical padding at the top of the dimension, non-negative integer
- Can be written as a single non-negative integer instead to be applied to both top and bottom fields
- e.g. both dimension_padding: 10 or dimension_padding: { bottom: 10, top: 5 } are valid
- Now it is an object with fields:
- Data-driven enchantment field weight now has an upper bound of 1024
- Data-driven enchantment field max_level now has an upper bound of 255
Entity Predicate
- New option: movement_affected_by - optional Location Predicate
- When present, adds requirements on a block at most 0.5 blocks below the entity which can affect its movement
Fixed bugs in 24w20a
- MC-6431 - Status effects are lost when returning to the overworld from the exit end portal
- MC-83590 - Armor attributes list can be too long
- MC-137719 - The player's horizontal motion doesn't affect fired projectiles in certain situations
- MC-179940 - Player's attributes reset back to default values upon respawning
- MC-181604 - Exiting the end portal resets player attributes to their default values
- MC-267230 - Hangul fonts are rendered with missing pixels
- MC-268113 - the minecraft:generic.scale attribute is desynchronized when the player leaves the End dimension via an End portal
- MC-268370 - Japanese CJK variants use the same diacritic
- MC-268598 - The "weight" of skeletons in swamp biomes is too high causing less bogged spawns
- MC-269036 - Bogged do not drop mushrooms when sheared with doMobLoot false
- MC-269147 - Shearing a bogged spawns mushrooms at the bogged's feet
- MC-269951 - When the gamerule "doImmediateRespawn" is set to true, the Wind Charged, Oozing or Weaving effects don't function for players
- MC-270052 - Blur levels below 10% do not appear to actually work
- MC-270301 - The fire protection enchantment applied to horse armor no longer decreases the duration of time the horse remains ablaze
- MC-270539 - The blast protection enchantment, when applied to horse armor, no longer diminishes the knockback effect from explosions on horse
- MC-270637 - maxentityCramming set to 0 prevents slime spawning from oozing effect
- MC-271034 - List entries in the Social interaction menu are rendered over the background
- MC-271168 - Demo timer does not respect "Text Background" setting
- MC-271244 - Auto-save text does not respect "Text Background" setting in accessibility settings
- MC-271360 - Horse armor and wolf armor are deleted when used on an armor stand
- MC-271414 - Damage command at position applies knockback in random direction
- MC-271462 - Buttons make the deactivation sound when pressed
- MC-271468 - Game crashes with custom enchantment's "rotated_block_provider"
- MC-271532 - Mace only loses durability during smash attacks
- MC-271547 - Can't immediately sprint jump into a 2 block ceiling when standing next to it since 24w18a
- MC-271566 - Game crash on insufficient "ammo_use" amount
- MC-271574 - Inlining a painting variant causes players to disconnect when receiving entity data
- MC-271583 - Soul speed no longer works through partial blocks
- MC-271629 - Channeling doesn't work / "post_attack" effect requires enchanted item to be in the mainhand
- MC-271636 - Attempting to modify NBT of killer rabbit throws unexpected error
- MC-271678 - damage_item enchantment entity effect doesn't break items
- MC-271715 - Crash when the sum of enchantments' weights overflow
- MC-271716 - Fraction value provider allows division by zero
- MC-271803 - Custom enchantment with very large max level causes game to hang after opening Creative inventory
- MC-271853 - Random "Failed to store chunk" error
- MC-271854 - Trying to generate new chunks crashes the server
- MC-271863 - Crafter recipe gets stuck on an item with a similar recipe
- MC-271881 - Soul speed doesn't soul make particles.
- MC-271896 - Using Shift+F3+I on a villager crashes the game
- MC-271937 - Strike a villager with channeling trident in thunder doesn't obtain the advancement "Very Very Frightening"
- MC-271948 - Entering the Nether breaks the game
Get the Snapshot
Snapshots are available for Minecraft: Java Edition. To install the Snapshot, open up the Minecraft Launcher and enable snapshots in the "Installations" tab.
Testing versions can corrupt your world, so please backup and/or run them in a different folder from your main worlds.
Cross-platform server jar:
Report bugs here:
Want to give feedback?
- For any feedback and suggestions on our upcoming 1.21 features, head over to the dedicated Feedback site category. You can also leave any other feedback on the Feedback site. If you're feeling chatty, join us over at the official Minecraft Discord.
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