

    Marsh Davies
    Marsh Davies

    Minecraft's Top 10 Bugs

    The devs pick their favourite glitches

    We didn’t have any in-game commands to summon stuff, so when we wanted to try out a feature we’d just added, like a new item or a new block group or mob, we just edited the code that created a player so the player would spawn with a bunch of these items. And then we consistently forgot to remove these items for release. So almost every week we released, people were confused how they suddenly had inventories full of weird new items, and we were all “oops!” and had to remove it and make a new release. Eventually we created a release document that we had to follow which said, “Remember to remove all the debug items!”
    Jens Bergensten
    I didn’t really know how the system worked, so I just copied the Cow and fiddled with it. Inevitably, I forgot to remove some parts I didn’t need, so for a while you were able to use a bucket on a squid to get milk. When I removed it a year later, I got a message saying what a shame it was, because it had become the source of so many jokes.
    Jens Bergensten
    When you flip a switch, it’ll check to see if any nearby components need to be activated, and then update them. But the area it checks is limited: two blocks away from the source. Because of quasi-connectivity, the piston might be just out of range to be updated, even if the block above it receives a redstone signal.
    Jens Bergensten

    That time I accidentally taught the Enderdragon to dance was pretty fun! I made her indecisive: she kept changing her mind about whether she wanted to go kill endermen, go sit on the portal, or go fly away. I didn't have the heart to fix it so I left her like that for a day

    Nathan Adams
    In parts of the world generator, I mixed up the coordinates so that “right” pointed forward and “back” pointed left. Nobody noticed anything strange for almost three years! [It might have had a more obvious effect but] I’d somehow managed to swap the axis back after the world generation stage. No idea how and when this all happened, but I must've been pretty tired when I worked on that!
    Michael Stoyke

    You can create an infinitely cloning run-away structure with a command block. If you have a command block below a redstone block that clones itself and the redstone block to a position next to it, that cloned copy will also immediately clone itself one step further, and so on, infinitely, until it hits unloaded parts of the world. But even then, if you go close that area and it gets loaded, the cloning process continues.

    Michael Stoyke
    Java is meant to guarantee that nothing we do truly crashes. If something goes wrong, Java just throws errors that we can handle ourselves in the way we think best, letting us try to recover or display nice messages to the user. But when the Spooky Wither Bug happened, it felt like if you were peacefully playing a board game with your family but whenever you moved a certain piece your house just collapsed around you.
    Nathan Adams
    Initially sand and gravel generated on a ceiling were supposed to be “fast-forwarded” to the ground. However, that was hard to do, so instead I just left it hanging there and added some dust particles to notify you that you were at risk of a terrible caving accident!
    Tommaso Checchi


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