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    Marsh Davies
    Écrit par
    Marsh Davies

    Picture Perfect

    We talk to Minecraft artists about the magic of the render

    One of the main constraints of rendering in Minecraft is that we need to be able to display as many images - or “frames” - per second as possible. This doesn’t allow for fancy lights or effects. Rendering software doesn’t have this speed limitation and can take as long as needed for complex computation of lights, more advanced post-processing and higher resolutions. One such rendering technique is known as ray-tracing. The software traces a “ray of light” from the position of the camera and paints each pixel based on what the ray of light intersected with. This allows for more complex rendering - it can recreate the heat distortion you would get over a hot road in the sun, for example - but at the cost of rendering speed.
    Thomas “Prof” Guimbretiere

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