For some people, Minecraft is about survival. For others it’s about building. Some just like to hang out with friends. But for another subset of our varied and talented community, it’s a canvas - a springboard to create beautiful images and animations.
If you’ve looked down the front page of, you’ll have seen their work: they take builds - by themselves or others - and render them in programs outside of Minecraft to produce dazzling images.
“Rendering is like sitting in God’s seat in Minecraft,” says Iskillia, one of the community’s foremost render artists. “From up there, you can do and see everything, without being limited by the fog and overall render distance that the game contains. You are omniscient. It also allows me to play with many different settings such as colours, the lighting and the way it reflects on surfaces. I picture it as me having fun in a big laboratory. And I love it.”
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