You've already seen the header image. Do we even need to say anything else?
Changes in 18w15a
- New entity: Dolphins
- New block: Conduit
- New block: Blue Ice
- New item: Heart of the Sea
- New item: Nautilus Shell
- Icebergs now generate in frozen oceans
- You no longer have "night vision" effect underwater
- Water now has different colours based on the biome
- New video option: Biome blend distance
- Going in and out of swimming should now feel smoother
- You can now swim through 1x1 holes! Again!
- Fog colour underwater now changes much smoother between biomes
- Optimized fog rendering
- Light now goes much further through liquid blocks
It's happening!
- Spawns in any ocean that isn't frozen
- They're just cute, okay?
- Dolphins are very playful and love floating items
- They also love to chase after boats
- If you upset one, you upset them all
- More behaviours coming soon
Blubb blubb blubb blubb
- Water now only blocks 1 light per block, instead of 3
- This only affects newly placed water - we will relight all chunks in an upcoming snapshot
- Every ocean biome has a unique water colour, and swamps are icky and gross
- In newly generated chunks, you're less likely to find frozen ocean next to warm ocean (and similar)
- ????
- I'm not sure.
- What is this?
- Where are we?
Fixed bugs in 18w15a
- MC-25866 - Splash Potion of Saturation has no effect
- MC-63714 - Zombie Pigmen get angry when hit in creative
- MC-121479 - Clicking on world, save and quit to title and quit buttons freeze the game for a second
- MC-122354 - Flying with elytra crash game / kicks player
- MC-123585 - Closing world while debug pie chart is open causes crash
- MC-123853 - Mobs don't burn when standing in double plants/cobweb
- MC-124906 - Underground lava and water lakes and mob spawners generate with air instead of Cave air (cave_air)
- MC-124915 - /locate and eye of ender find strongholds in invalid places
- MC-124918 - Biome-specific structures generate at wrong biomes in superflat
- MC-124953 - Vines generate beneath jungle at y-level 64
- MC-125083 - New world generator doesn't generate snow on trees in snow biomes
- MC-125106 - Liquids in generated structures don't update
- MC-125188 - Releasing the sprint button will no longer stop sprinting until you touch the ground
- MC-125195 - Spectator mode will still allow the swimming animations
- MC-125219 - Logs do not retain their rotation when stripping them
- MC-125240 - Player is unable to swim through one-high water with a solid block above
- MC-125530 - Swimming while touching ground shakes viewport if View Bobbing is enabled
- MC-125578 - Splash turtle potions missing "splash" in translation
- MC-125579 - Tipped turtle potion arrows inconsistently capitalize "The"
- MC-126087 - In creative mode, fish buckets are used when placing the fish
- MC-126097 - Will not drop the grilled fish, when cod and salmon are burned to death
- MC-126185 - Fish unrestricted spawning causing world to inevitably crash from the number of entities
- MC-126557 - Sea grass, kelp and coral can be generated on crevices
- MC-127276 - Zombie transform to Drowned in less than waist-high water
Get the snapshot
To install the snapshot, open up the Minecraft Launcher and enable snapshots in the "Launch Options" tab.
Snapshots can corrupt your world, please backup and/or run them in a different folder from your main worlds.
Cross-platform server jar:
Report bugs here:
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