No feeling in the world beats waking up on a winter morning and opening the curtains to find out that it snowed overnight. The joy of seeing the world transformed, its colours hidden below a deep, fluffy layer of white, is incomparable to any other experience.
Snow is made of frozen water. You probably already know that. But you might not know that a single snowflake is made of about 10,000,000,000,000,000,000 water molecules - each carefully arranged into a delicate crystal. An average snowman contains about 8,000,000,000 snowflakes, so that's a lot of water molecules - a whopping 80,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000! Don't believe us? Build a snowman, then, and count them. Go ahead. We'll wait.
In Minecraft, Snow was added on 13 July 2010 in Alpha 1.0.5. It generates naturally in rare ice plains spikes biomes. But if you're lucky, you might find an igloo made of snow in ice plains or cold taiga biomes, full of tasty loot. Creating snow is a lot easier - find any cold biome, wait for it to snow, then either collect the snowballs and combine them in a crafting grid into a snow block, or make a silk-touch shovel and go to town.
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