As well as a lovely new name, MINECON Live will have:
Minecraft news and the next major game update revealed!
Panels with Minecraft experts!
Your chance to vote on the next biome to be updated in Minecraft!
Baron Sweetcheeks!
Oh, wait, I’m not actually going this year. That’s fine, because I can watch the livestream from anywhere in the world! Head over to for more information.
Plus, if you have trouble remembering that the new name is MINECON Live, here’s a catchy jingle I’ve written to help you remember it:
MINECON is now called MINECON Live!
MINECON is now called MINECON Live!
MINECON is now called MINECON Live!
MINECON is still called MINECON Ear- I mean, is now called MINECON LIVE!
MINECON is now called MINECON Live!
MINECON is now called MINECON Live!
Just sing that for a few hours a day, every day, until September 28th (that’s the day of the livestream!) and that new name should sink in right around August. You’re welcome!
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