If you asked me to write up everything I knew about hunting, the best I’d be able to offer you was a vague understanding of camo as a fashion choice. A wrong fashion choice. But this isn’t about me and my long-running aversion to certain prints – it’s about the latest free feature coming to Minecraft Dungeons: Ancient Hunts!
As part of the upcoming free update that is being released alongside the Flames of the Nether DLC for Minecraft Dungeons, we are getting a cool new feature! Ancient Hunts are procedurally-generated end-game missions that weave in and out of the Nether and other familiar parts of the Overworld in action-packed, stitched together adventures.
The important thing to know about the Ancient Hunt is that it’s the best way to get rare items, and it’s the only way to get Gilded item drops. Gilded items are a new tier of items that have an extra enchantment slot. They also look cool and have a lovely golden shimmer to them.
I tried asking the game team really nicely if I could just have the stuff, and they insisted this was the only way to do it. Think of it as an “I survived this Ancient Hunt, and all I got was this extremely cool Gilded item” token of appreciation.
Well, Gilded items are important, but the most important thing to know about an Ancient Hunt is that it’s really all about the Ancient mobs! These powerful mobs may LOOK like mobs you’ve seen before, but they’re far more powerful – and they don’t travel alone. The Ancient mobs have a group of minions who add even more of a challenge to these encounters. You’ll need to defeat the Ancient mobs and their formidable friends to reap the rewards.
But how do you reach these Ancient mobs? You can access the Ancient Hunt by the mission select screen, but I prefer to head to the cave in the camp where you can also find the piglin merchant. Mostly because I think they must be lonely in that cave, and I like to just hang out and provide some company. Don’t worry about the piglin merchant yet. We’ll come back to them. No matter how you access an Ancient Hunt, you’ll have to place an offering to lure the Ancient mobs to the hunt.
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