Cities are great! They're full of artisanal coffees, fast WiFi, and exciting airborne pollutants. But even a diehard city slicker like me will occasionally dream of escaping the rat race in favor of peace, quiet, and self-sufficiency.
That's why I've decided to trade in my t-shirt big city business attire for a pair of country dungarees. I've even swapped my backpack briefcase of big city business papers for a briefcase full of nutrient-rich manure. In my new country life, I'm going to be a farmer working in harmony with the land, and Minecraft is going to equip me with the skills I need to do it.
Farming 1.0
As is so often the case, my thoughts immediately turn to cows. After all, if you're going to live off the land in Minecraft, the cow offers many – if not all – practical advantages. As well as eyes you can really get lost in, the cow is a source of leather, milk, and beef. That's a lot of value from one mob.
Armed with a beef-centric plan for success, I create a world. A quick scan of my surroundings doesn't reveal any wandering cattle, but it does reveal a thriving village complete with crops and animal pens. Within seconds, I have a new resolution: I will steal my way to tranquility.
I wait for the unwary villagers to lay down to sleep, then immediately set about unlocking the gates to their cow pen. Armed with a bushel of wheat, I pied-piper their livestock the short distance to my own enclosure and triumphantly slam shut the gate. I have a farm!
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