Exciting news ahead! We’ve teamed up with a bunch of our developer buddies to create games and raise money for charity. The games will be available to download from Humble Bundle’s snazzy website in exchange for a donation of your choosing. It starts at 3pm today and ends at 12pm CET on Thursday.
UPDATE: It now ends at 12pm CET on Friday, meaning that all the games will be exactly 24 hours better!
The Blockjam will include a few groups of Mojang developers, a chap from Microsoft based in Seattle, Grapefrukt, Ludosity and the wonderboys from Oxeye Game Studio. We're even putting on an official Mojang livestream that'll be hosted by three of the greatest Minecraft youTubers of all time - cat-shaped man with the insane chuckle, Stampy; cheery lover of dog art, StacyPlays; and the infectiously enthusiastic and difficult to spell, Sqaishey.
Grapefrukt and Ludosity will be hosting their own streams too. We won't be upset if you watch their stream instead of ours. Well, I won't. Can't speak for Stampy.
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