Has any man, in any galaxy, snivelled with such snivelly snivelliness as General Armitage Hux? I doubt it. He’s just one of the (inter)stellar skins we’ve included in the Star Wars Sequel Skin Pack, featuring a total of 53 characters from The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi.
The light side shows up in force, naturally, with a choice of two skins for the sequels’ tenacious heroine Rey and her irrepressible friend Finn (who also appears wearing a Bacta Suit), plus Poe Dameron, Leia Organa, Han Solo, Chewbacca, Luke Skywalker and no small number of their fellow “rebel scum”.
But the universe must have balance! Bringing up the dark side numbers are Kylo Ren, both fresh-faced and scarred, and his devious master Snoke. Then there’s the steely Captain Phasma and General Armitage Hux, available for all your snivelling needs. And this grim lot are accompanied by Stormtroopers, informers, enforcers, a TIE Fighter pilot and other dastardly collaborators of the Empire.
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