項目作者 {{creatorRow1[0].DisplayProperties.creatorName}}


位在蘇格蘭的 4J Studios 自 2012 年起便是 Minecraft 的最大推手! 4J Studios 最廣為人知的是與 Mojang 和 Microsoft 合作,為玩家帶來本機版本與迷你遊戲「大亂鬥」、「天搖地動」、「滑翔」與「探險活寶混搭」套件。4J Studios 將把市集創造力推至極限巔峰。 Best known for working with Mojang and Microsoft to bring you Console Edition and its mini-games: Battle, Tumble and Glide and packs like the Adventure Time Mash-up. 4J are going to push creation to the limits on the marketplace.



位在蘇格蘭的 4J Studios 自 2012 年起便是 Minecraft 的最大推手! 4J Studios 最廣為人知的是與 Mojang 和 Microsoft 合作,為玩家帶來本機版本與迷你遊戲「大亂鬥」、「天搖地動」、「滑翔」與「探險活寶混搭」套件。4J Studios 將把市集創造力推至極限巔峰。 Best known for working with Mojang and Microsoft to bring you Console Edition and its mini-games: Battle, Tumble and Glide and packs like the Adventure Time Mash-up. 4J are going to push creation to the limits on the marketplace.
