Surely we can't be far from the day when I can buy my own personal spaceship? So I can explore the galaxy whenever I like? Right? Please? I want to run rings around Saturn, pop to Pluto for my picnics, and steer my ship right into the core of the sun to work on my tan. Space travel! For everyone! Get on this, science!
Not that I'll be happy with an average ship, mind. Every great space explorer needs a great vehicle, and you’re not going to boldly go where no man has gone before in any old hunk of junk, are you?
So step this way and take a look at the black-and-white beauty that is Spaceship 23, a Rhapsody-class carrier ship by Foxy. Imagine yourself at the helm of this sleek space-explorer, piloting it through dust storms and asteroid fields, red lights flashing, second-in-command screaming in your ear about comms systems and shields being down. Calm down, chum, nothing ever goes wrong in space! I think!