Ewwwww. Do we really have to write about this? Can't we just write about the gold block again? Fine fine fine. We'll write about disgusting slime. Just don't be surprised if next week's block is made from our tears.
Let's try and keep an open mind. Maybe sticky, sickening, get-it-away-from-us slime isn't so bad. You'll need nine slime balls (gross) to craft a slime block (ick) in Minecraft. Better yet, why not do absolutely anything else?
Slime blocks can be used to bounce on, like some sort of snot-coated trampoline. The height of your bounce is relative to how far you fall onto the block. So if you say, fall six blocks of height and land on a slime block, you'll bounce four blocks high into the air! Wheeeeee! While this is a lot of fun, it does also mean your feet touched a slime block. You might want to burn those shoes. And those feet. Better safe than sorry.