What’s the most regal colour? The most magnificent colour, the one that makes you want to doff your cap and grovel like a peasant. Gold? Pah! Gold is a gaudy distraction, a shallow display of mere wealth! I’d argue that it is in fact purple that’s the colour of true power and luxury. If I was going to build a city, I would make it entirely purple, just like the purpur blocks of those mysterious, majestic cities of the End.
Purpur is one of the strangest and most otherworldly materials in Minecraft, found in a fittingly strange and otherworldy dimension: the End. The blocks themselves can be crafted from popped chorus fruits, which have been harvested from the angular cacti-like chorus trees, and then gently smelted. But these are no ordinary fruits - when eaten they can teleport the player a short distance. Even weirder, purpur blocks make the perfect camouflage for the mollusc-like shulkers, emerging from their purpurish shells to launch homing missiles at the player.
It’s an elaborate and peculiar process to obtain a nice block of purpur - and it’s that which makes all the more precious. The exact same can be said of the colour purple in general: a colour that’s hard to harvest in nature, making it most prized by powerful people. And, in another odd similarity, its story also involves molluscs.