Technical Changes
- Improved performance of the light engine
- The data pack version is now 15, accounting for sign data format, item display orientation and advancement changes
- Removed update_1_20 feature flag and built-in datapack - features are no longer experimental
- Added a return command
- Tweaked display entity interpolation
- Added a capped rule structure processor that limits the number of replaced blocks for a structure piece to a configured maximum
- Configuring block entity fields in a rule processor rule is now delegated to a referenced block_entity_modifier instead of the previously fixed output_nbt configuration
- Random sequences for loot tables are now deterministic
- Added a reference loot table function
- Loot table condition/predicate changes:
- Renamed alternative to any_of
- Added all_of
- Advancement trigger changes:
- Added recipe_crafted
- Changed format of placed_block, item_used_on_block and allay_drop_item_on_block triggers
- Ingredients in array form are now also allowed in smithing_trim and smithing_transform recipes on fields template, base and addition
- Those fields also allow empty arrays, which signalize that slot needs to be left empty
- Added new damage types: outside_border and generic_kill
- Game events have changed vibration frequency and some have been removed
- The resource pack version is now 15, accounting for the font and credits update
- Updated the sprite layout of minecraft.png
- Removed the overriding minecraft.png from the Programmer Art resource pack
- Updated the sprite layout of invite_icon.png
- legacy_unicode glyph provider has been removed
- Bitmaps used by uniform font have been removed
- uniform font has been updated to use Unifont 15.0.06
- That changes shape of multiple characters, while also adding support for new ones
- Combining characters no longer include circle overlayed over them (so M◌̆ now renders as M ̆)
- Added second level of organization of entries in credits.json on top of titles, called disciplines
- Font textures are included in debug texture dump (F3 + S)
- Added new font glyph providers: unihex and reference, removed legacy_unicode
- Added support for Quick Play
- Removed the server & port commandline arguments as their functionality has been replaced by Quick Play
- Updates to telemetry
- Changed encoding of to UTF-8
- Added validation for symbolic links in world saves
Light Engine
The light engine is responsible for calculating the brightness of each block in the world.Light is calculated during world generation as well as updated when a block is changed in the world.Behavior of the light engine has not been changed.
- The performance of calculating light has been improved
- Reduces one source of lag spikes when crossing chunk borders
- Improves FPS in situations when a lot of light updates occur
- Improves how quickly chunks can be generated
The return command can be used to control execution flow inside functions and change their return value. Effects:
- Remaining separate top-level commands in the currently executing function (if any) are skipped
- The result value of the function command that triggered the function is changed from the number of commands executed to value
- The result value of the return command is also value
return <value>
- value: An integer return value
- string data sources now accept negative boundaries, which are interpreted as index counted from the end of the string
Display Entity
Interpolation Changes
- Previous values are always discarded if interpolation_duration is 0
- Made sure that render properties are applied at the same time (so block_state is applied at the same time as transformation, i.e. at the next tick after receiving an update)
- Display entities are not rendered until their initial data is received. That means display entities might not be shown on the first tick.
- Note: due to how the game handles updates, changes to entities made after summoning might be delivered to clients within a later tick
Rendering Changes
- item_display items have been rotated 180 degrees around the Y axis to better match the transformation that is applied when rendering items on an Armor Stand head and in Item Frames
- For reference, the order of transformations applied to model (starting from innermost) is item_transform, rotate Y 180, transformation field, entity orientation (billboard option + Rotation field + Pos field)
Structure post-processors
Capped post-processor
- A capped post-processor has been added which can limit how many blocks a delegated post-processor randomly transform in a structure
- This can be used to configure a structure piece to have an exact amount of specific blocks, instead of using random distribution
- The capped post-processor has following required parameters:
- delegate A post-processor which performs the actual block transformation
- limit Maximum amount of blocks that the delegated post-processor can transform
- The blocks inside a structure are all randomly passed to the delegated post-processor until it has transformed the limited amount
- Either constant or random number generator sampled during post-processing
Rule post-processor block entity configuration
- Previously a rule could specify an optional fixed output_nbt which would be added to the processed output block entity
- This field has now been changed to reference a block_entity_modifier
- Existing block_entity_modifier's are:
- passthrough Retains existing fields on the block entity
- This is the default if no block_entity_modifier is specified
- append_static Similar to previous output_nbt this provides fixed fields to add to the block entity
- A minor change is that this modifier appends configured fields to the processed block instead of replacing existing fields
- clear Removes any existing fields on the block entity
- append_loot Appends a loot table and seed to the block entity through required parameter:
- loot_table Referenced loot table to add to block entity as LootTable field
- Field LootTableSeed is also added to the block entity using random seeded by block position
Loot Tables
Random Sequences
The game now uses named random sequences to deterministically produce loot for loot tables. Each random sequence produces a unique sequence based on the world seed and sequence ID, which means a loot table will produce the same results when ran with the same parameters in the same world.
The ID of the random sequence to use for a loot table is specified in a new optional field called random_sequence. If no sequence name is given, loot is drawn using a non-deterministic random source.
New function reference allows functions to call sub-functions (similar to reference condition).
- name - location of function to call
- Loot condition alternative has been renamed to any_of
- Added new loot condition all_of that passes only when all sub-conditions pass
- Has the same syntax as any_of
New Triggers
- Triggered when crafting a recipe
- Conditions:
- recipe_id - the resource location of the recipe crafted
- ingredients - an array of predicates for the item stacks used in the recipe
- A single item stack can only be used to fulfill one predicate
- Each predicate needs to be fulfilled to trigger the advancement. This allows for separation between recipes that have same identifier but use different ingredients.
- This field is optional. When not provided, or left empty, only the recipe_id will dictate the success of the trigger
Changed Triggers
- All fields in placed_block, item_used_on_block and allay_drop_item_on_block have been collapsed into a single location field
- The new location is similar to the player field - it is a list of loot conditions/predicates
- All conditions in this list must match for a trigger to run
- Conditions are evaluated in a new loot context called advancement_location. It has access to:
- Player as this entity
- Position of the placed block
- Block state of the placed/interacted block
- Held/used item as "tool"
- Migration guide:
- Contents of old location field should be migrated to location_check condition
- Contents of item field should be migrated to match_tool condition
- Contents of block + state fields should be migrated to block_state_property condition
Example (from make_a_sign_glow advancement):
"conditions": {
"item": {
"items": [
"location": {
"block": {
"tag": "minecraft:all_signs"
"trigger": "minecraft:item_used_on_block"
"conditions": {
"location": [
"condition": "minecraft:match_tool",
"predicate": {
"items": [
"condition": "minecraft:location_check",
"predicate": {
"block": {
"tag": "minecraft:all_signs"
"trigger": "minecraft:item_used_on_block"
Damage Types
- Players outside the world border are now hurt by the damage type outside_border instead of in_wall
- Forcibly removing an entity using the /kill command now uses damage type generic_kill instead of out_of_world
Block Tags
- Removed replaceable_plants since it was only used as a subset of the blocks for the tag above, and not as universally
- Added replaceable_by_trees to better express blocks that are replaced when the tree grows through them
- Added replaceable with all the blocks that can be replaced
- This tag only represents the internal state of the game, changing this tag does not make blocks replaceable
- Added sword_efficient to represent blocks that are broken 50% faster by a sword than normal
- Added maintains_farmland to represent which blocks will not cause farmland to be converted into dirt due to drying out when placed on top of it
- Added combination_step_sound_blocks that controls which blocks produce a combination of step sounds
- Added enchantment_power_provider to control which blocks increase the level of an Enchantment Table
- Added enchantment_power_transmitter to control which blocks are allowed between an Enchantment Table and a Bookshelf (or other Power Transmitter)
- Added vibration_resonators to control which blocks transmit vibration signals when placed next to Sculk Sensors
- Added trail_ruins_replaceable for blocks that Trail Ruins can replace when generating
- Added sniffer_diggable_block to control which blocks Sniffers can dig
- Added sniffer_egg_hatch_boost to that control on which blocks Sniffer Eggs hatch twice as fast
- Added ceiling_hanging_signs
- Added wall_hanging_signs
- Added all_hanging_signs
- Added stone_buttons block tag
- Added cherry_logs block tag
- Added bamboo_blocks block tag
Item Tags
- Added villager_plantable_seeds to represent which kind of seeds Villagers can farm
- Added noteblock_top_instruments to control which blocks can be placed on top of Note Blocks without sneaking
- Added breaks_decorated_pots to control which tools can break Decorated Pots
- Added decorated_pot_ingredients
- Added decorated_pot_sherds
- Added sniffer_food
- Added trimmable_armor
- Added trim_materials
- Added trim_templates
- Added stone_buttons item tag
- Added cherry_logs item tag
- Added bamboo_blocks item tag
Biome Tags
- Added has_structure/trail_ruins
Game Events
- Removed piston_contract game event in favor of block_deactivate
- Removed piston_extend and dispense_fail game events in favor of block_activate
- Many game events have new vibration frequencies:
- 1: step, swim, flap
- 2: projectile_land, hit_ground, splash
- 3: item_interact_finish, projectile_shoot, instrument_play
- 4: entity_roar, entity_shake, elytra_glide
- 5: entity_dismount, equip
- 6: entity_mount, entity_interact, shear
- 7: entity_damage
- 8: drink, eat
- 9: container_close, block_close, block_deactivate, block_detach
- 10: container_open, block_open, block_activate, block_attach, prime_fuse, note_block_play
- 11: block_change
- 12: block_destroy, fluid_pickup
- 13: block_place, fluid_place
- 14: entity_place, lightning_strike, teleport
- 15: entity_die, explode
New unihex Glyph Provider
- New glyph provider for reading Unifont HEX files
- HEX format describes font glyphs using a bitmap
- The height of every glyph is 16 pixels
- The width of glyph can be 8, 16, 24 or 32 pixels
- Every line is made of two hexadecimal numbers separated by :
- The first value describes a codepoint - it must have 4, 5 or 6 hex digits
- The second value describes the glyph as a stream of bits, line by line
- When rendering, empty columns on left and right side of glyphs are removed
- Custom glyph widths can be set with size_overrides
- This provider requires two fields:
- hex_file - path to ZIP archive containing one or more *.hex files (files in archive with different extensions are ignored)
- size_overrides - list of codepoint ranges that should have width different from auto-detected (based on empty space in glyph). Fields:
- from, to - start and end of codepoint range (inclusive)
- left, right - integers describing the position of the left-most and right-most columns of the glyph in range
- Any bits in columns outside of this range will be discarded
New reference Glyph Provider
- New glyph provider that can be used to include providers from other fonts
- Providers are guaranteed to be loaded only once, no matter how many times they are included
- Provider has one field id, that describes another font to be included in the currently loaded one
- Inclusion is performed after all fonts are loaded, so it will include all providers for a given font defined in all datapacks
Removed legacy_unicode Glyph Provider
- The legacy_unicode glyph provider has been removed
- This functionality has been replaced by the unihex provider
Quick Play
- Added support for four new command line arguments that allow the game to be launched directly into a world
- quickPlayPath takes a specified path for logging (relative to the run directory)
- If a path is provided the following will be logged upon joining a world:
- type: is either singleplayer, multiplayer, or realms
- identifier: represents the world you want to join
- For singleplayer, the folder name of the world
- For multiplayer, the IP address of the server
- For realms, the Realms ID
- port: represents the server port and is only logged for multiplayer
- name: The name of the world
- gamemode: The gamemode of the world
- lastPlayedTime: The time you joined the world
- Example:
- --quickPlayPath "quickPlay/log.json" will resolve into .minecraft/quickPlay/log.json
- quickPlaySingleplayer, quickPlayMultiplayer and quickPlayRealms all take their respective identifier
- If one of these arguments is provided, the game will try to launch directly into the given world
- Examples:
- --quickPlaySingleplayer "New World"
- --quickPlayMultiplayer "localhost:25565"
- --quickPlayRealms "1234"
All Events
- Added new property: launcher_name
- This is set based on the minecraft.launcher.brand system property
- This will help us troubleshoot game launch related bugs more effectively, as we will be able to see whether the issue originated in the Minecraft launcher or a third-party program
Updated Required Events
- world_loaded
- Added new property: realms_map_content
- When loading into a Realms Map Content world (Minigame), the world_loaded event will receive the name of that map
- This is to help us understand how Java Realms players interact with Java Realms adventure or minimap content
New Optional Events
- advancement_made
- This event is triggered when a player completes an advancement, and allows us to see the advancement ID and the time when the advancement was completed
- This helps us as a studio understand player progress and limits, which informs our game design
- game_load_times
- This event is triggered when the game client is loaded
- Includes the time it took for the client to load
- This is so that we can work on improving and reducing the time it takes to load the game client
- File is now read in UTF-8 initially, with previous encoding (ISO 8859-1/Latin 1) as a fallback
- File is now written with UTF-8 encoding
Symbolic Link Validation
To improve safety, the game will now detect symbolic links used inside world directory. For a detailed explanation, check our help article.
- If the target of a symbolic link is not on the user-configured allow-list, the game will not proceed with loading the world
- Note: the world directory itself can still be linked
- The list of allowed symbolic link targets is stored in file allowed_symlinks.txt in the client or server top directory
- The file consists of entries (one per line) with following formats allowed:
- Lines starting with # are comments and are ignored
- [type]pattern, where type can be glob, regex or prefix
- prefix matches start of path with given pattern (so for /test paths /test, /test/ and /test/foo.txt would match)
- regex matches regular expression against whole path
- glob uses OS-specific path matching mechanism (for example *.txt would usually match files with txt extension)
- Note: paths will use OS-specific separators
- pattern, which uses default prefix type
Fixed bugs in 1.20
- MC-180 - When reaching the other side of a nether portal the animation plays forever until stepped out of
- MC-572 - Anvils sometimes destroy items when falling on them even if they aren't placed successfully
- MC-1133 - Whether or not a player experiences some effect is calculated based on the block under the center of the player
- MC-1310 - Dispensed boats and rafts get stuck inside of dispensers used to place them
- MC-2215 - Encoding errors in
- MC-2474 - Transparent blocks placed between bookshelves and enchanting tables negate bonuses received from bookshelves
- MC-2604 - Walking on non-solid blocks with no collision plays their respective walking sounds
- MC-18060 - Several realms strings are untranslatable
- MC-21520 - Death message for /kill is " fell out of the world"
- MC-30939 - Nether portal continues emitting light, even if portal is broken
- MC-35078 - Breaking animation is one frame off
- MC-44514 - Teleporting ridden entity in unloaded chunks does not cause chunks to load for riding player
- MC-48923 - Slime/magma cubes not affected by jump boost potion effect
- MC-58961 - Back button and kick message can overlap
- MC-74955 - Fences play sound when jumping and walking/sprinting beside them
- MC-74984 - Client continues to connect to server after canceling on 'Connecting to server' screen
- MC-75721 - Arrow buttons within the book GUI are rendered above tooltips
- MC-107224 - World border death message states "suffocated in a wall"
- MC-108045 - Minecraft not using latest unifont unicode chart; characters are missing
- MC-115608 - Landing on a fence or a wall shows the landing particles of the non-full block above
- MC-117125 - Narrator still crashes on linux, flite installed
- MC-117809 - The sign GUI doesn't close when you get too far away from the said sign
- MC-117815 - The sign GUI remains open when the said sign is destroyed
- MC-120158 - Anvils and other falling_blocks with HurtEntities set to true kill items and xp orbs
- MC-121433 - Non English letters are lower case in controls setting, while English are upper case
- MC-121788 - Jump boost, slow falling and levitation don't apply to ridden horses, pigs or striders until after a relog
- MC-123081 - Placing an end crystal when entering The End prevents Ender Dragon from spawning
- MC-124327 - Changing the name of an item and then emptying the text field in an anvil doesn't make the rename unavailable, keeps last non-empty name on output item
- MC-127394 - Minecraft does not render characters in Unicode mb4 range
- MC-128011 - F3 toggles debug menu while viewing inventory
- MC-130089 - Turtle eggs break weird at block edges
- MC-132076 - Lowercase Letters in controls menu + "Not Bound" is missing
- MC-135809 - Armor stands with Marker tag can still activate pressure plates
- MC-138358 - Levers on top of item frames Z-fighting with blocks in item frames
- MC-146582 - When entering spectator mode while standing on the ground, the player moves down by 0.19051 blocks, which makes you fall down
- MC-150183 - Iron golems produce walking particles for barrier blocks
- MC-151882 - Favicon in game window shows old crafting table texture
- MC-152258 - Riding an entity with slow falling will not stop fall damage
- MC-155084 - Horses' armor, reins, and bridles experience z-fighting
- MC-157727 - The small cube in honey/slime blocks isn't displayed in inventory
- MC-158154 - Players can bounce on beds even when not directly touching it
- MC-159633 - Command feedback messages are unnecessarily created during function execution
- MC-159637 - Mobs with passengers have broken movements
- MC-160332 - Horses with non-player passengers have improper orientation when walking
- MC-162253 - Lag spike when crossing certain chunk borders
- MC-163467 - Jack o'lanterns can be enchanted with curses
- MC-165221 - 3D Modeled Potions are not rendered correctly in the "GUI Display"
- MC-165562 - Command suggestion report "incorrect argument" when cursor is at the start of a node without suggestions
- MC-165773 - /execute run does not cause syntax error when arguments are missing
- MC-166260 - Light from fire that has gone out lingers at the border of chunks
- MC-167957 - Horizontally fired rockets can create footstep sounds
- MC-169037 - Realms invitation button hover area is offset
- MC-169498 - Empty top subchunks don't update skylight in some cases
- MC-170010 - Sky-lightmaps not properly initialized
- MC-170012 - Lightmaps are missing for initial skylight
- MC-170468 - World icons can get messed up when a world's icon is reset
- MC-172387 - Horses with saddle cannot be controlled by non-player mobs anymore
- MC-172980 - Block light updates don't cross chunk borders properly when updated
- MC-175504 - Single quotation marks are not supported in NBT paths
- MC-176309 - Illusioner has a few misplaced pixels left in their texture
- MC-179867 - Unicode Characters swapped in Minecraft
- MC-181280 - Incorrect textures can sometimes be displayed
- MC-186337 - The lighting of the "Client" doesn't correspond to that of the "Server"
- MC-188295 - Placing fallling blocks using /setblock can cause a client-side lag spike in some circumstances
- MC-188595 - "gamemode" string in F3 + N description is inconsistent with "game mode" string in F3 + F4 description
- MC-193749 - Nether portals play the trigger sound again when the other dimension is loaded
- MC-195781 - The "Include entities:" string displayed within the structure block GUI is improperly capitalized
- MC-195825 - "datapacks" string is inconsistent with "data pack" string in "datapackFailure.title" text
- MC-196428 - The nausea effect resets its distortion severity when players' NBT data is reloaded
- MC-197241 - Players can change the color of a wolf's collar even if they're not its owner
- MC-197270 - Item icons in F3+F4 screen display over fading in Mojang Studios screen when reloading resource packs using F3+T at the exact same time
- MC-197772 - Missing textures in minecraft:uniform font
- MC-198202 - Options background texture does not match dirt texture
- MC-199446 - Characters ︗ (U+FE17) and ︘ (U+FE18) are swapped in game
- MC-199752 - Polished Blackstone Button takes longer to break than other buttons
- MC-199952 - Skylight does not propagate across certain chunk borders upon world generation
- MC-201647 - Entity riding an entity can cause location/coordinate desync
- MC-203039 - Incorrect use of colon in options.hideMatchedNames.tooltip
- MC-203317 - There is a missing torch in one of the Stronghold rooms leaving a Light source
- MC-203399 - Hoppers use the side texture on the bottom
- MC-203406 - Kelp and seagrass models appear to reference biome tints despite not using any
- MC-206548 - Leash knot subtitles are not properly capitalized
- MC-207251 - Sculk sensors and shriekers do not work correctly when cloned, generated on superflat worlds or placed with custom structures
- MC-207290 - Sculk sensors don't detect vibrations while walking on the edge of a block
- MC-209104 - Flying with elytra while inside or near blocks produces their step sounds
- MC-210461 - Fall damage sound plays when you get levitation right before you hit the ground
- MC-212271 - Glow squid and squid show Z-fighting
- MC-212278 - Sculk sensors do not detect signs being dyed
- MC-212420 - Sign dyeing sound and hand animation plays even when not consuming a dye
- MC-212583 - Sculk sensors are not activated upon walking inside of scaffolding that has air below it
- MC-212892 - Right-clicking a non-glowing sign using an ink sac (or vice versa) doesn't fire the clickEvent
- MC-213712 - "Ideographic Space" Unicode character is not displayed correctly
- MC-213936 - "Minecart moving" event does not trigger the right vibration frequency
- MC-214619 - Sculk sensors cannot detect application of ink sacs to signs
- MC-217447 - "Walking" on nether wart produces stone footstep sounds instead of nether wart sounds
- MC-220096 - Graphics warning button(s) improperly capitalized
- MC-221864 - Iron golems produce walking particles for light blocks
- MC-224433 - Clouds texture contains semi-transparent background
- MC-224648 - Pressed buttons placed on painting can cause z-fighting
- MC-224976 - NativeImage.setPixelRGBA throws exception with message getPixelRGBA
- MC-225742 - When light emitting blocks generate as ores, they do not emit light
- MC-226344 - Changing the "Owner" tag of a projectile doesn't affect the outcome of the projectile unless the world is reloaded
- MC-226454 - The "Light as a Rabbit" advancement description has no space after the ellipsis
- MC-227890 - If you are falling with leather boots through powder snow, you still fall through
- MC-228529 - Tutorial keybind components are lowercase
- MC-230792 - Cat's tail shows Z-Fighting
- MC-230799 - Sculk sensors detect the movement of crouching players after they respawn if toggle-sneak is enabled
- MC-230916 - "Potted Flowering Azalea Bush Plant" uses the wrong texture
- MC-233966 - You cannot use the scroll bar in the realms world backups menu by dragging it
- MC-234191 - Clicking on certain areas in the realms world backups menu doesn't focus fields within the list
- MC-234404 - The "Restore" and "Changes" buttons in the realms world backups menu can appear outside of the selection boxes
- MC-234407 - The changes "+" icon in the realms world backups menu isn't visible when using small GUI scales
- MC-234560 - The "Remove" and "Operator" buttons in the realms "Players" menu still function despite no player within the list being selected
- MC-234681 - Tai Viet characters is not supported
- MC-234691 - You can interact with the scroll bar in the realms "Players" menu despite not actually having your cursor held over it
- MC-236117 - Music disc texture isn't centered properly
- MC-236606 - Lightning bolt related string lacks capitalization
- MC-237042 - Killing players in the sneaking state that have their sneak option set to "Toggle" in their accessibility settings, results in other players not being able to see them in this state when they respawn
- MC-237556 - Legs of black cat model are white at the top
- MC-237960 - New potion effect GUI doesn't work when using Programmer Art
- MC-240098 - Minecraft can't be correctly profiled to Windows 11 version
- MC-241314 - Filled cauldrons' bottom faces are still culled when they should not be
- MC-241326 - Thomas Guimbretière's name is listed twice and misspelt in the credits
- MC-241347 - Purple glazed terracotta still uses old sword design
- MC-241725 - In the credits, an opening parenthesis is missing for Riley Manns
- MC-241730 - In the credits, a closing parenthesis is missing for Konrad Jówko
- MC-241732 - In the credits, "Lionbridge" is misspelt in one place
- MC-241733 - In the credits, "Insight" is misspelt in one place
- MC-241736 - Company names are still inconsistent and partly misspelled in the credits
- MC-241741 - Certain names are listed twice in the credits
- MC-241803 - credits.json: Line 2632 has typo in (C instead of O)
- MC-241850 - Miscolored pixels on double chest
- MC-242105 - When landing on some non-full blocks while touching a thin block, impact particles use the thin block's texture
- MC-244307 - Dark Chunks when exploring since 1.18
- MC-245819 - Lighting can still occasionally lag behind world generation
- MC-246459 - Drowned have some transparent pixels within their inner body texture
- MC-249047 - The sound isn't played when joining realms through double-clicking on them
- MC-249341 - Some Mojang employees are not mentioned in the credits
- MC-249450 - Sculk shriekers placed with NBT don't receive signals from nearby sculk sensors
- MC-249508 - Light emitted from cave vines and glow lichens upon world generation still sometimes doesn't propagate across chunk borders
- MC-249514 - Button UV appears to be upside-down
- MC-250197 - Glass bottles are inconsistently referred to throughout some advancement description strings
- MC-250571 - Gamerule description strings within the world creation menu consist of inconsistent concluding punctuation
- MC-251536 - Desert zombie villager feet still mismatch the sides of the feet
- MC-251537 - Desert (zombie) villager has solid-color on inner of arm, unlike other villagers
- MC-251538 - Desert villager missing some pixels for the sandals
- MC-252099 - Incorrect texture mapping in potted mangrove propagule (mirror effect)
- MC-252216 - 65540: Invalid scancode -1 logged in key bind menu when an option is unbound
- MC-252389 - When landing (or jumping) on wool with your hitbox over the edge, it produces a vibration
- MC-252408 - Chat restriction strings consist of inconsistent concluding punctuation
- MC-252786 - SculkSensorBlockEntity and SculkShriekerBlockEntity leak VibrationListeners on update
- MC-254410 - /setidletimeout set to a timer longer than 35791 disconnects idle player immediately
- MC-254506 - Font file of some Korean completed font area is wrong
- MC-254588 - Miscolored pixel on slowness effect icon
- MC-256419 - Incomplete commands run through aliases don't produce errors
- MC-256424 - Game mode is sometimes referred to as "gamemode"
- MC-256477 - Knowledge books can't be placed in chiseled bookshelves
- MC-256488 - Bamboo Raft and Raft with Chest models float above ground
- MC-256503 - Camel can swim sitting down
- MC-256506 - Camels riding entities get permanently stuck in dash mode
- MC-256540 - The top texture of the camel's front left leg contains some redundant gray pixels
- MC-256551 - Baby camels have a visible inventory
- MC-256585 - Z-fighting occurs on the text of hanging signs
- MC-256688 - Birch wall hanging sign uses "snare" instrument when placed under note block, instead of "bass" as other hanging signs
- MC-256833 - Ridable entities that can be steered build up fall damage when on climbable blocks
- MC-257052 - You cannot double-click on languages within the "Language" menu to select them
- MC-257178 - Chiseled Bookshelf redstone behavior is inconsistent
- MC-257246 - Horses do not make step_wood sounds when walking on Nether wood, cherry wood, bamboo wood, or stems
- MC-257268 - The dashing animations of camels sometimes aren't displayed for other players
- MC-257269 - Sculk sensor detects player walking between carpet and wool
- MC-257336 - Some chiseled bookshelf interaction subtitles are improperly capitalized
- MC-257370 - Buckets of fish are not sorted in the same order as the fish items
- MC-257512 - Dead tube coral in creative inventory is in wrong order
- MC-257778 - Bamboo Mosaic Slabs and Stairs are not in the #slabs and #stairs block and item tags
- MC-258267 - Thin space character U+2009 displays incorrectly
- MC-258360 - Horse armor loses its NBT data when equipped on horses via right-clicking
- MC-258461 - The "Detect structure size and position:" string displayed within the structure block GUI is improperly capitalized
- MC-258926 - Space is no longer treated as padding in fonts
- MC-258939 - Non-atomic cached state can cause multithreaded crashes
- MC-259201 - The tops and bottoms of donkeys' ears are miscolored
- MC-259364 - The "item.minecraft.smithing_template.netherite_upgrade.base_slot_description" string is missing a serial comma
- MC-259574 - Crash trading with a custom villager: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "cdp.S_()" because the return value of "cdt.c()" is null
- MC-259778 - Placing a saddle on a Skeleton Trap stops the Skeleton Horse from moving
- MC-259873 - Skeleton/Zombie Horse's chests are outdated
- MC-259879 - Display entities with a rather large shadow_radius value can cause performance issues
- MC-259912 - Saddled horses can infinitely retain Levitation effect
- MC-259978 - Minecraft telemetry data detected Windows 11 as Windows 10
- MC-260020 - Reloading the world resets the Brown Mooshroom's given flower
- MC-260036 - Can't plant cactus and sugar cane on suspicious sand
- MC-260038 - Sniffer does not have smooth animation transitions for some of its animations, like sniffing
- MC-260042 - Cannot waterlog a decorated pot by using a water bucket or dispenser
- MC-260043 - Decorated Pots don't play breaking sound in creative mode
- MC-260047 - Decorated pots from the creative inventory and new blank decorated pots with no NBT will match their texture to the last decorated pot you crafted
- MC-260053 - When rotating a decorated pot with the debug stick, it will spawn a decorated pot item
- MC-260061 - Sniffer's ears and head z-fight
- MC-260069 - Growing cherry trees inside each other causes their leaves to decay
- MC-260075 - Player holds brush by ferrule in third person
- MC-260080 - Sniffers play their walking animations after the "NoAI" NBT tag is applied to them
- MC-260081 - Sniffers don't play their walking animations when they are damaged
- MC-260086 - Entities riding sniffers are positioned too low down
- MC-260090 - Sniffers ignore the "minecraft:generic.movement_speed" attribute
- MC-260093 - Particles spawned by brushes in the left hand move in the wrong direction
- MC-260105 - The name tags of sniffers are partly inside their models
- MC-260146 - Pink petals are not next to other flowers in the creative inventory
- MC-260152 - Sculk sensors are not activated by sniffers digging
- MC-260197 - Item drop from Decorated Pot has no pickup delay
- MC-260202 - The sound of using the brush isn't affected by blocks
- MC-260219 - Sniffer eating sounds aren't played when feeding them the last item of torchflower seeds within a stack
- MC-260221 - Sniffers can still dig when floated by levitation status effect
- MC-260233 - Suspicious Sand has no assigned tool
- MC-260237 - Sniffers can sniff while panicking
- MC-260238 - Sniffer digging particles are produced slightly too high up
- MC-260240 - Sniffers that are in love sometimes don't attempt to approach one another to breed
- MC-260247 - Sniffers constantly play their walking animations when they're pushed into blocks
- MC-260251 - The walking animations of sniffers don't change in relation to their movement speed
- MC-260252 - Sniffer walking animation is broken when walking on ice
- MC-260279 - Jukebox is not in the Redstone Blocks tab in the creative inventory
- MC-260282 - Sniffers can sniff out and follow players in spectator mode
- MC-260296 - Pink petal block models are not optimized
- MC-260301 - Decorated Pots drop from setblock/fill air replace
- MC-260307 - Cherry Grove biome has empty music sound event
- MC-260315 - Parity Issue: Pottery Shards have different textures compared to Bedrock
- MC-260317 - Sniffers try to sniff out obstructed blocks they can't reach
- MC-260320 - Parity Issue: Snifflets (Baby Sniffers) have an inconsistent model with Bedrock
- MC-260326 - Dying sniffers continue to dig
- MC-260347 - Falling suspicious sand does not break when reopening the world
- MC-260348 - Sniffers will never dig in normal mud despite being a "sniffer_diggable" block
- MC-260401 - When Brush is broken in offhand, the broken Particle is the Item in mainhand
- MC-260409 - Cherry Grove biome is not in the #is_overworld biome tag
- MC-260411 - Re-summoned dragons don't spawn end gateways when exiting the world before killing the dragon
- MC-260435 - Sniffers don't play their walking animation when moving through cobwebs
- MC-260454 - Decorated pots are translated off-center when displayed on head
- MC-260459 - Baby sniffers don't sound high pitched when sniffing
- MC-260465 - The torchflower crop still has an age 2 blockstate that looks like the regular torchflower
- MC-260466 - Torchflower doesn't maintain farmland used to grow it
- MC-260467 - Torchflower is not grouped with other small flowers in the creative inventory
- MC-260468 - Wither rose is not grouped with other small flowers in the creative inventory
- MC-260478 - Torchflower crop hitboxes don't change in size according to their age
- MC-260503 - Sniffers refuse to dig into soil with a non-solid block on top
- MC-260527 - The coordinates of the sniffer "minecraft:sniffer_explored_positions" tag do not check the dimension
- MC-260602 - 'data modify from string' index failure does not return 0 for 'execute store success'
- MC-260632 - Riding an entity that is far away causes client/server desync
- MC-260653 - Markers, interaction, and display entities can prevent pressure plates from deactivating
- MC-260678 - Potion of Invisibility looks too similar to the Potion of Slow Falling
- MC-260693 - potted_torchflower is still not part of the #flower_pots block tag
- MC-260711 - Some words within "/datapack list" command feedback messages are always pluralized
- MC-260712 - Some words within "/scoreboard" command feedback messages are always pluralized
- MC-260713 - Some words within "/team" command feedback messages are always pluralized
- MC-260715 - Some words within "/bossbar" command feedback messages are always pluralized
- MC-260716 - Some words within "/fill", "/fillbiome", and "/clone" command feedback messages are always pluralized
- MC-260750 - Magma blocks use unnecessary random ticking for an outdated feature, causing performance issues
- MC-260757 - Updating a large amount of Iron Bars causes the game to hang in-game or during the Saving world screen
- MC-260777 - Sniffers ignore some dangerous blocks while sniffing and pathfinding resulting in them being damaged
- MC-260778 - Sniffer tries to sniff out blocks outside the world border
- MC-260779 - Sniffers can dig into blocks outside the world border
- MC-260799 - The word "Sand" is not capitalized in the brush subtitle
- MC-260810 - Villagers can't pick up torchflower seeds, despite being able to farm torchflowers
- MC-260834 - "Alpha" can play during gameplay
- MC-260839 - Mobs can replace weapons held in their main hand with armor
- MC-260849 - Sniffer can't get into minecart
- MC-260874 - Display entity chained interpolation has inconsistent behavior
- MC-260885 - Display entities summoned with initial transformation interpolate incorrectly from default transformation during next transformation
- MC-260897 - Display entity's previous state of interpolation doesn't work as expected
- MC-260898 - Brushes can be used through entities
- MC-260903 - Less recent attacker can be credited for kill
- MC-260974 - Aggressive mobs can't control "vehicle" mobs
- MC-260992 - Cannot return to title screen from Realms screen (except using ESC)
- MC-261015 - Parity Issue: Suspicious Sand does not generate in ruins in a lukewarm ocean compared to Bedrock
- MC-261020 - Double-clicking on a Realm to join it no longer works
- MC-261024 - /execute if loaded does not guarantee entities are loaded
- MC-261029 - Progress bar for uploading a world to Realms is much larger than normal
- MC-261080 - Player can fall through scaffolding when loading a world
- MC-261275 - Sniffers drop moss blocks when killed
- MC-261294 - Jack o'lantern can be placed on the player or armor stand head without commands and without appearing the blur
- MC-261417 - The hitboxes of sniffers are not adjusted when they lay down
- MC-261433 - Shield doesn't block TNT explosion
- MC-261487 - Z-fighting occurs on the backs of sniffers' heads
- MC-261626 - Reversed Comma doesn't render properly when using the Unicode font
- MC-261804 - Expired Key preventing players from logging in on servers
- MC-261857 - Using the "/setblock", "/fill", or "/clone" commands to create little amounts of blocks in completely isolated areas causes large client-side stutters
- MC-261900 - Sniffers cannot properly pathfind into water while burning
- MC-262067 - The type of sniffer digging particles that are produced is determined by the block that sniffers are located on instead of the block that sniffers are digging
- MC-262069 - Sniffers continue digging after their target block is destroyed
- MC-262209 - Death Screen buttons appear on top of Item tooltips
- MC-262325 - Ice/Slime blocks don't give speed when landing towards the very edge of the block
- MC-262440 - Sniffers can sniff while in love and pathfinding to their lover
- MC-262518 - The "" string contains an unnecessary space before the question mark
- MC-262684 - Game icon has low resolution
Get the Release
To install the Release, open up the Minecraft Launcher and click play! Make sure your Launcher is set to the "Latest Release” option.
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