In today's snapshot, we're adding a few new blocks that you, later on, will see in the lush caves! They're perhaps not as lush as Jens' hair, but close enough.
Update: We've now released 21w05b to fix a couple of bugs.
Fixed bugs in 21w05b
- MC-203813 - Copper blocks are named inconsistently
- MC-213788 - The game can randomly freeze
- MC-213802 - Copper is not upgraded correctly from pre-21w05a worlds
New Features in 21w05a
- Azalea bushes as well as flowering azaela bushes!
- Added cave vines and glow berries!
- Added drip leaves!
- Added decorative blocks for the upcoming lush caves: hanging roots and rooted dirt!
- Added moss!
- Added spore blossom!
Cave vines and glow berries
- Cave vines grow down from the ceiling, like weeping vines
- When they grow they have a chance of producing glow berries
- Glow berries are a natural light source as well as a food source
- Foxes eat glow berries
- Use glow berries to plant new cave vines
- Bonemealing a cave vine will create glow berries
- Small dripleaf needs moisture, so it grows on clay or underwater
- Small dripleaf grow into big dripleaf when bonemealed
- Big dripleaf grows taller when bonemealed
- If you stand on a big dripleaf, it will tilt after a while and you will fall off
- You can crouch or jump to prevent a big dripleaf from tilting
- A tilted big drip leaf will tilt up again after a while
- The big dripleaf will break when hit by a projectile
- The wandering trader will sometimes sell small dripleaf plants
- Two new decorative blocks: moss block and moss carpet
- Moss carpet can be crafted from moss blocks
Spore blossom
- A beautiful large flower placed on ceilings
- Particles drip from it
Changes in 21w05a
- The stonecutter can be used to craft the different copper block variants
- The stages of copper oxidization are now called “Copper Block”, “Exposed Copper Block”, “Weathered Copper Block” and “Oxidized Copper Block” in sequence of least to most oxidized
- Drowned now have a chance of dropping a copper ingot, they no longer drop gold ingots
- Added new sculk sensor events
- Changes to powder snow
Sculk Sensor Changes
Added the following game events that the Sculk Sensor reacts to, along with corresponding frequency value:
Vibration Types | Frequency Value |
Minecart Moving, Ring Bell, Block Change | 6 |
Drinking Finish, Prime Fuse | 7 |
Mob Interact | 8 |
Equip, Shear, Ravager Roar | 9 |
Entity Place | 12 |
Entity Killed | 13 |
Shulker Close | 14 |
Shulker Open | 15 |
- Block Change is for when player or dispenser action has changed a block. Example: cake slice being eaten
- Mob Interact is for specific mob interaction events that cause vibrations
- Prime Fuse is for both TNT and Creepers
Powder Snow changes
- Flaming arrows now get extinguished when they collide with powder snow
- Skeletons now convert to strays when frozen
- Powder snow is now pushable by pistons and sticky pistons
- Foxes can now walk on top of powder snow without falling in
Technical Changes in 21w05a
- Improved performance when using many overrides on an item model
- Copper oxidization is now a random tick effect and thus affected by the randomTickSpeed game rule
Fixed bugs in 21w05a
- MC-9568 - Mobs suffocate / go through blocks when growing up near a solid block
- MC-130098 - Debug world spawns player at y=2 instead at y=70 where all the blocks are
- MC-142711 - Baby turtles take damage when pushed against ceiling
- MC-148432 - Sound spam while in water and lava at the same time
- MC-149495 - Pufferfish triggers tripwire without colliding with it upon reloading the game
- MC-152265 - Starting server outputs “unable to resolve BlockEntity for ItemStack” errors
- MC-153254 - Baby zombies/piglins take damage when pushed against ceiling by bubble columns
- MC-163673 - Baby husks, piglins, zombies, zombie villagers, and zombified piglins take damage when jumping into a space with a solid block above it
- MC-186879 - Standing in fire and water spams the extinguish sound
- MC-191714 - Player is dismounted when standing on farmland while riding a horse/boat while the farmland turns to dirt, causing a desync
- MC-198432 - Pufferfish phases through blocks after reloading world
- MC-199356 - chatDelay in options.txt has a space between the colon and the value
- MC-200906 - Pufferfish hitbox incorrect when reloading world
- MC-204801 - Large amounts of copper blocks lag the server and causes the worldsave to take forever
- MC-205079 - Cauldrons don’t fill with powder snow in some biomes
- MC-205401 - “Fire extinguishes” Sound repeatedly plays when a mob that burns in daylight is in powder snow
- MC-205477 - Occasional desync when trying to enter/exit a boat while the server is lagging
- MC-205735 - Baby cows can suffocate on stairs
- MC-206113 - Powder Snow causes Z-Fighting with Falling Blocks
- MC-207258 - Sculk sensors do not react to minecarts being driven
- MC-207261 - Bell ringing event is not considered a vibration
- MC-207262 - Drinking potions or milk doesn’t cause vibrations even though eating does
- MC-207263 - Inconsistency: Filling cauldrons with liquids or powder snow is not detected by sculk sensors
- MC-207277 - Sculk sensor can’t detect setting a fire with fire charge
- MC-207283 - Extinguishing a campfire is not detected by sculk sensor
- MC-207300 - Blocks being placed or picked up by an enderman are not detected by sculk sensors
- MC-207329 - Sculk sensors don’t properly detect eating from other mobs
- MC-207340 - Sculk sensors do not detect buckets of fish being emptied
- MC-207358 - Sculk sensors don’t detect shulkers opening and closing
- MC-207384 - Flame arrows repeatedly trigger sculk sensors
- MC-207387 - Sculk sensors can sense players sneaking in water when they move, even when they’re not swimming
- MC-207391 - Sculk sensors don’t detect certain flying mobs
- MC-207397 - The fire extinguish sound plays every tick when the player is on fire and freezing
- MC-207407 - Villages will always generate at least on y=0
- MC-207417 - Directly breaking fire does not alert sculk sensors, but removing its supporting block correctly does
- MC-207418 - Breaking paintings/item frames/glow item frames does not alert sculk sensors, even though placing them does
- MC-207445 - Sculk sensor doesn’t detect squids swimming
- MC-207473 - Sculk sensors do not detect when ghasts shoot
- MC-207520 - Sculk sensors don’t react to ravager roars
- MC-207521 - Ocelots and cats can still emit vibrations while sneaking
- MC-207592 - Shooting bow with flame enchantment while sneaking triggers sculk sensor
- MC-207600 - Sculk sensor detects wrong sound for fishing rod
- MC-207670 - Sculk sensors do not detect the placement of boats and minecarts
- MC-207671 - Sculk sensors do not detect candles being placed into cakes
- MC-207672 - Sculk sensors do not detect when creepers are set off with flint and steel
- MC-207673 - Sculk sensors do not detect lighting TNT with flint and steel
- MC-207674 - Sculk sensors do not detect placing things in flower pots
- MC-207675 - Sculk sensors do not detect books being placed onto lecterns
- MC-207677 - Sculk sensors do not detect collecting water with bottles
- MC-207678 - Sculk sensors do not detect collecting honey bottles
- MC-207679 - Sculk sensors do not detect the breaking of bee nests and beehives in Creative mode
- MC-207745 - Sculk sensors do not detect when ender dragons shoot fireballs
- MC-208193 - Sculk sensors do not detect removing things from flower pots
- MC-208194 - Sculk sensors do not detect when candle cakes are eaten
- MC-208477 - Going into a dimension that has height higher than the maximum height crashes the game
- MC-209361 - Game crashes upon instantly click-replacing the block underneath a bamboo sapling with another bamboo
- MC-209625 - Baby llamas suffocate when below a solid block while standing on top of a carpet
- MC-212117 - Placing glow lichen in lava creates waterlogged glow lichen
- MC-212141 - Shulkers get rotated when upgrading to 21w03a
- MC-212149 - Shulker is sometimes mis-rotated when player teleports through a nether portal and reloading an active chunk with Shulker
- MC-212284 - Crammed enitities pushed through blocks when growing to adults
- MC-212290 - Commands “setblock” and “fill” don’t work at or above height 1024 in some cases
- MC-212291 - Client can dismount vehicles independently from the server, causing a de-sync
- MC-212331 - Boats dismount you in the direction the boat is facing instead of the direction of the player
- MC-212347 - Importing custom world file height is limited to 2047 instead of 2048
- MC-212422 - Game crashes when generating a world with increased height limit
- MC-212532 - Shulkers are spawned slightly mis-rotated after a shulker was hit by another shulker’s shulker bullet
- MC-212537 - Standing near a shulker slightly lifts you when they open
- MC-212541 - Shulkers are often incorrectly rotated upon generation
- MC-213512 - Copper blocks are named differently from bedrock edition
Get the snapshot
Snapshots are available for Minecraft: Java Edition. To install the snapshot, open up the Minecraft Launcher and enable snapshots in the "Installations" tab.
Snapshots can corrupt your world, so please backup and/or run them in a different folder from your main worlds.
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- Head over to our feedback website or come chat with us about it on the official Minecraft Discord.
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