A glimmer of blue in the dark wall of a cave - could it be DIAMOND? Ah, no. Instead you've stumbled on a seam of lapis lazuli ore. It can be fashioned into a fancy blue block (which can only otherwise to be found in the centre of Illager statues in Woodland Mansions), or into the dyes beloved of aesthetes who want to splash a bit of colour about. But it doesn't make for hardy armour, and for that reason, survival specialists may be disappointed to discover it.
In the real world, this blue rock is highly prized, and, for a long time, no less highly priced. For several thousand years, the only source of blue in the world was a single mine in north-eastern Afghanistan. It’s the source of the blue in the eyebrows of Tutankhamun’s funeral mask and a headdress in the Sumerian tomb of Queen Puabi.
Even today, this remote mine, which is called Sar-i Sang and has been worked for 6000 years, is one of the world’s only sources of pure lapis lazuli. So it might be pretty hard to find in Minecraft, but lapis lazuli is even rarer in the real world.
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