Keys are a thing in the real world too, of course – but did you know that they’ve been a thing for more than 6,000 years? It’s true. In the ruins of Nineveh, the capital of ancient Assyria, archaeologists found a type of “pin” lock, where a key inserted would push wooden pins out of the way and allow a bolt to be moved.
The Romans invented metal “warded” locks that would only work if the right key was inserted into them. Rich people kept their valuables in locked boxes, and wore the keys as rings on their fingers. They liked to do this not only to keep their valuables safe, but to show off their wealth to others.
Today, locks have become much more complex and sophisticated. “Tumbler” locks are one of the most common today, which have internal levers that prevent them from turning unless those levers are lifted to exactly the right height. These were invented by Robert Barron in 1778, substantially improved in 1818 by Jeremiah Chubb, and they’re still used today.
I’m not sure what kind of lock you’ll find in Minecraft’s trial vaults – Mojang’s security team is keeping that knowledge very close to their chests. Probably wise, or we’ll no doubt end up with an horde of illager lockpickers...
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