Wolves in the real world are even more remarkable than those in Minecraft! They’re a highly social, expressive carnivore that hunts in packs and has a long and fascinating history with humans.
In some societies, particularly those that raise livestock, wolves are feared, hated, and sometimes hunted to stop them killing sheep, goats, or cattle. But in others, they’re respected and even worshiped – the creation myths of ancient Rome, China, Pawnee indigenous people, and Norse peoples all feature wolves in different ways.
Humans are not natural prey for wolves – they’re far more likely to avoid people than attack them. The vast majority of recorded attacks on humans have been from wolves suffering from a disease called rabies, which causes them to behave more aggressively. Real wolves are definitely not the villains they’re made out to be in kids’ stories.
In fact, wolves were the first species that humans managed to domesticate – in the time of hunter-gatherers, at least 30,000 years ago. Interestingly, the creatures that we now call dogs descend from a type of wolves that are not the same as the modern wolf population. It’s thought that the process of turning those wild wolves into modern dogs may have taken tens of thousands of years of slow trust-building on both sides.
Luckily it doesn’t take so long in Minecraft! A few bones, some belly rubs, and you’ll have yourself a furry friend before you can say “sit!”
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