Do you name your tools? I do. At the time of writing, I have a shovel called Doug, a pick called Michael, an axe called Nancy, and a sword called Courvoisier Choppathon III. If you want to name yours too and keep it repaired at the same time, you’ll need our item of the week – the anvil.
Anvils became a part of the Minecraft universe in the Pretty Scary Update, way back in October 2012, alongside witches, carrots, carrots on sticks, flowerpots, and pumpkin pie. Originally they were crafted from six iron blocks and one iron ingot, but that was pretty expensive so we made them a bit cheaper. Today they’re made from just three iron blocks and four ingots. You’re welcome.
There are five basic things you can do with an anvil. First, you can rename items, which initially costs one level of XP, but does get more expensive over time due to the “prior work penalty” that applies to all anvil activity. The maths is a bit complicated, but put simply, the more times you rework an item, the more expensive it gets. So it’s best to rename items at the same time as repairing or enchanting them.
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