I’ve just about had it with bees. Ever since they flew into the Java Snapshot and Bedrock Beta, they think they’re nature’s greatest engineers. The proof? Bees collect pollen from flowers, turn it into honey, and then make hives out of it. Ooh, look at you with your structurally sound homes. Show offs. Just because I live in a pile of granite and rotten flesh, doesn’t mean you’re a better builder than me, bee.
Well, actually, of course it does. But luckily, I found some humans who can outbuild a bee. I’ve gathered some of the finest builders from Minecraft Reddit to showcase their honey block machines. Honey blocks (which are also available to be tested in the Java snapshot and the Bedrock beta) allow players to exceed the previous 12-block push limit of pistons, so you can create contraptions that just weren’t possible before. Look at this!
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