“The cello represents my love for music and art,” he explains. “I used to play the cello when I was ten. Playing the cello is one of the most vivid memories that I had when I was younger. The boat represents the relationship that my father and I have. We made a model boat together for a school project seven years ago. The bicycle was one of the first ideas that I wanted to add to the project. The bicycle represents spending time with family and friends. The fishing pole represents my grandfather. My grandfather loved fishing at my cabin and I would always look up to him as a kid. The whole project was an experience when constructing it. It really made me look back on my childhood and reflect on who I am today.”
It proved quite a challenge to put all these intricate features together in a way which was readable.
“If I had made the project with a more ‘busy’ style, it would have looked too messy and blurred the meaning in the build,” says Gabriel. “I also wanted to try new things that I’d never tried before. I wanted to use glass to give the water a unique and realistic look. Another challenge I had was making the cloud. I had an idea to add shading with glass under the cloud to make it look like it had a shadow.”
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