One of the things I love most about Minecraft is that it can be a canvas for projects of any size - from the precisely planted foliage of a country garden, to skyscraping metaphysical metaphors. Super-talented build-team MAKB certainly haven't shied away from big themes with their latest effort, called Tertium, in which the forces of Order and Chaos vie for control over an enchanted land of forestry and richly detailed architecture.
“Our team is a French team specialised in real Minecraft maps,” explains MAKB Community Manager, Elgasse. “By 'real', we mean that all our maps are fully built, interior and exterior. We like to expose our map to the community and let them explore every corner.”
Tertium would be a hell of a feat with a team of dozens, which makes it all the more jaw-dropping when you realise actual construction was all the work of one man. “There was only one builder on the map, Blixow,” confirms Elgasse. “He is one of the two administrators of the team, with Dopeulien, and also one of our best builders.”
No kidding!
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