Shields are pretty simple to make - arrange six planks in a crafting grid in a Y-shape, and then pop an iron ingot into the top of the Y. You can also acquire them from Armourer villagers for in exchange for five emeralds, which to be honest is a bit on the pricey side considering its just wood and iron.
Once crafted, you can customise your shield pretty extensively. Create a beautiful banner and pop it into a crafting grid with the shield to apply the pattern onto the shield’s front face. They can be enchanted too - with unbreaking, mending, or a curse of vanishing if you’re feeling dangerous.
Oh, you want to use the shield in combat, rather than just waltzing around with it looking pretty? Well, I guess you can do that too. Simply right-click with it, and it’ll slow you to a sneaking pace and start blocking attacks that come from the front of you. It’ll also knock back attackers, and stop you from being knocked back. But be careful - some attacks are not blockable, and axes can disable shields.
If your shield gets damaged, pop it into an anvil with some planks for a full repair that keeps the pattern. On the battlefield, you can combine two damaged shields together, but they’ll both lose their patterns.
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