Chunky is an amazing tool for visualising your PC Minecraft worlds. You load up your world, select which chunks you want to pull in, and frame the shot, staging the sunlight to hit your creation just so. And then you render it out - a process which can take many hours, but creates gorgeous images. (There’s even a dedicated page on Reddit, r/chunky, where people show off their cool stuff.)
It also comes with a load of camera presets that let you take isometric shots really easily - isometric being the sort of view shown below, where you get a downward diagonal view of the landscape without any of the normal foreshortening you see in-game.
Chunky is the brainchild of Jesper Öqvist, but it didn’t start out as a rendering tool: “In the beginning, it was just a 2D mapping tool,” he explains. “I could highlight different block types and then I could scroll through the layers of the Minecraft world so I could see easily where there were diamonds in my mines.”
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