Sunlight yellow, chili red, royal blue, midnight black, grass green, lilac purple, true lime, fresh salmon, hot cappuccino, pretty much all of the off-white, annoying cyan, alpha-tested magenta, that brown-greenish barf shade... the World of Color update is here! (Minecraft Java Edition 1.12, editor's note.)
With this update we bring you a fresh take on all the colored blocks in Minecraft, using the infamous "Jonni Palette 0.2" for wool, sheep, shulker boxes, and banners, and introducing glazed terracotta, colored beds, and colored concrete. These bring you many new options to building colorful creations in your meticulously planned spawn area.
We asked the community to show us what they could do with the new blocks - and the results were a technicolour triumph! We took some of our favourites and put them in the trailer below!
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