How long do you think it takes to complete a game of Minecraft? From first loading into the world until the last hit on the Ender Dragon, about how long do you think that is? Pretty long if you think about all the stuff you have to do to get from point A to to point End:
Load in!
Punch a tree!
Get some wood!
Make a crafting table!
Make a wooden sword!
Build a shel-
Hissss. Oh no! It’s a Creeper and it’s gonna--
With all the mishaps, setbacks, and plain old bad luck it’ll probably take the average Minecrafter - so me - hours, lots and lots of hours, to beat the game.
But what if I told you that for not-so-average players - so not me - the time it takes for them to beat the game: two minutes and twenty-three seconds.
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