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    Steve, Ari, Noor and Makena, with hands full of emeralds, watching a glowing Wandering Trader levitate above ground.
    Java Team
    Java Team
    23. 8. 2.

    Minecraft Snapshot 23w31a

    A Minecraft Java Snapshot

    Librarians in each biome have a special book which is guaranteed from every Master Librarian, and a range of normal books. The special book is listed first. Desert: Efficiency, Fire Protection, Thorns, Infinity. Jungle: Unbreaking, Feather Falling, Projectile Protection, Power. Plains: Protection, Punch, Smite, Bane Of Arthropods. Savanna: Sharpness, Knockback, Binding Curse, (and in Java Edition) Sweeping Edge. Snow: Silk Touch, Aqua Affinity, Looting, Frost Walker. Swamp: Mending, Depth Strider, Respiration, Vanishing Curse. Taiga: Fortune, Blast Protection, Fire Aspect, Flame.
    The Wandering Trader now has a chance of buying these items: Water Bottle, Water Bucket, Milk Bucket, Fermented Spider Eye, Baked Potato, Hay Bale. The Wandering Trader now has a chance of selling these items: Logs (of any type), Iron Pickaxe (enchanted), Potion of Invisibility. The prices and amounts of the existing trades have also been adjusted.

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