Another snapshot hits the streets, and it's dropping some sick bleats. That's right, Goats are leaping into this snapshot!
New Features in 21w13a
- Added the goat!
- Added an accessibility option
- Goats spawn in Mountains
- Goats can scale the sides of mountains with their incredible jumps!
- Goats can be tempted and bred using Wheat
- Goats are another source of milk!
- Added an alternative solid black background color for the Mojang Studios loading screen, toggleable with the “Monochrome Logo” accessibility option
Changes in 21w13a
- Tweaks to Caves
- Tweaks to Ore Distribution
- Tweaks to Powdered Snow
- Dripstone clusters can now be found rarely in normal caves
- Deepslate blobs can now be found between heights 0 and 16
- Axolotls and glow squids now spawn in underground water sources
- Axolotls will now always chase after and attack squids, glow squids, tropical fish, cod, salmon, pufferfish, drowned, guardians, and elder guardians
- Axolotls now have a two-minute cooldown after hunting non-hostile targets such as fish, squids, etc.
- They will prioritize targeting hostile mobs first before hunting.
- Bees now see Flowering Azalea (and Flowering Azalea Leaves) as flowers
- Additions to Wandering Trader and Mason trades
- Additions to chest loot tables
Cave Tweaks
- Mineshaft tweak: increased the max length of pillars and chains.
- Carver tweaks: made carvers less likely to be too flat to walk through.
- Noise cave tweaks:
- Increased likelihood of megacaves (large cheese caves)
- Reduced likelihood of toothpick pillars (tall 1-block thin pillars)
- Other tweaks to make the cheese caves more varied and interesting.
Ore Distribution Tweaks
- Slightly more iron
- Larger diamond blobs sometimes form
Powdered Snow
- Powder snow’s durability/hardness was slightly increased
- Freeze time has decreased to 7 seconds and hurt frequency has decreased to 2 seconds
- Entities on fire now melt Powder Snow when colliding
- Increase vertical movement speed within Powder Snow
- Strays, Polar Bears, and Snow Golems are now immune to freezing
- Mobs now shake when they are fully frozen
- Skeletons converting to strays now only require the 7 seconds it takes for an entity to be fully frozen to begin converting, instead of the 30 seconds it took before
- Leather horse armor now protects horses from freeze damage
- Mobs that enjoy the heat (Blazes, Magma Cubes, and Striders) take increased freeze damage
Trade & Loot Table Additions
- Added the following trades to Mason:
- Will sell 4 Dripstone blocks for 1 emerald
- Added the following trades to Wandering Trader:
- Will sell 2 Pointed Dripstones for 1 emerald
- Will sell 2 Rooted Dirt for 1 emerald
- Will sell 2 Moss Blocks for 1 emerald
- Moss blocks can be found in Shipwreck chests
- Glow Berries can be found in Mineshaft chest minecarts
Technical Changes in 21w13a
- Added metric cube of light!
- Unused parts of code are no longer removed
Light block
- Op-only (/give) air-like waterloggable block
- Emits light at a level determined by block state
- Visible and targetable only when the item is held (similar to barrier)
- Right-click cycles light level
Fixed bugs in 21w13a
- MC-3366 - End portal appears transparent from below
- MC-70738 - Killing guardian with lava does not give cooked fish
- MC-102269 - Polar bears drop raw fish instead of cooked fish when killed with fire or lava
- MC-108636 - There are a number of unused texture files
- MC-123587 - Kicked from the game when reaching y levels over 30,000,000
- MC-124667 - Air can be used in custom recipes, causing a crash
- MC-136776 - Some NBT tags are not kept when fish or axolotl mobs are caught in water buckets
- MC-167853 - Observer doesn’t detect when a grass block changes to dirt if a tree grows on top
- MC-174701 - Leash knot sound effect plays when loading singleplayer world
- MC-187544 - ‘Cover Me With Diamonds’ advancement improperly capitalized
- MC-190774 - Stonecutter saw spins both ways simultaneously
- MC-194183 - Some experience points do not go towards Mending repair, even if the Mending gear is not fully repaired
- MC-195640 - Suspicious stew inedible with full hunger
- MC-197073 - Turtles laying eggs on red sand produce normal sand particles
- MC-199065 - Zombies that die while on fire do not drop baked potatoes
- MC-199237 - Back of ladder is incorrectly mirrored
- MC-199239 - Vines appear incorrectly mirrored when viewed from behind
- MC-199242 - Texture planes of crop models appear incorrectly mirrored from behind
- MC-201748 - Chain model planes are incorrectly mirrored on the rear
- MC-201751 - Chain section on lanterns is incorrectly mirrored from behind
- MC-201753 - Sea pickle green top sections do not render correctly from behind
- MC-203553 - Water bottle doesn’t extinguish candles
- MC-203605 - Lightning rod bottom texture is mapped incorrectly
- MC-203617 - Can’t “Pick Block” cauldrons with liquid or powdered snow inside
- MC-203838 - Aiming a spyglass with a loaded crossbow in offhand creates weird third person effect
- MC-203847 - Waterlogged candles can be lit
- MC-204133 - Candle extinguishing particle appears offset from the candle
- MC-204430 - Cauldrons filled with water, lava or powder snow cannot be used as a workstation for villagers
- MC-205060 - Powder snow does not cause underlying grass, mycelium or podzol to appear snowy
- MC-205083 - Mobs wearing leather boots spin around when walking on powder snow
- MC-205106 - Mobs that get damaged by powder snow can spawn inside powder snow
- MC-205131 - Landing on powder snow while wearing leather boots inflicts fall damage on Java, but not on Bedrock
- MC-205143 - The particles produced when extinguishing a campfire are misplaced
- MC-205158 - Powder snow inside textures are not correctly mirrored
- MC-205169 - Mobs don’t path find across powder snow blocks when not wandering
- MC-205302 - Using /setblock to place a structure block defaults to save mode, unlike placing one by hand
- MC-205613 - Skeletons in powder snow spin when aiming at the player
- MC-205885 - Endermen holding water, lava or powder snow cauldrons don’t drop cauldrons
- MC-205914 - Placing turtle egg/sea pickle onto turtle egg/sea pickle while sneaking doesn’t place it next to it, although placing candle onto candle does
- MC-205918 - Experience orb stacks that were used in the mending process lose their experience amount, even if the stack is still larger than one
- MC-208075 - Copper slabs and stairs are not included in the #minecraft:slabs and #minecraft:stairs tags
- MC-208588 - Axolotls change color when released from bucket / axolotl entity data isn’t stored in the bucket item
- MC-208594 - Axolotls aren’t required for the “Two By Two” advancement
- MC-208647 - Axolotls don’t attack elder guardians
- MC-208695 - Semi-transparent pixels on axolotl textures
- MC-208703 - Axolotls don’t give regeneration or remove mining fatigue
- MC-208745 - Explorer maps & filled maps turn blank after entering the nether or end
- MC-209371 - Can’t cut stacks in half in furnace output
- MC-212221 - Glow item frames are rendered dark when a light source is nearby
- MC-212305 - Back face of glow lichen is not correctly mirrored from behind
- MC-212736 - Some world border faces are rendered mirrored, resulting in incorrect corners
- MC-213552 - Shulker hitbox does not immediately rotate after the shulker visually rotates
- MC-213769 - Rooted dirt is far from other dirt variants in the Creative inventory
- MC-213771 - Rooted dirt is in decorations tab
- MC-213772 - Certain faces of azalea are not culled by other blocks
- MC-213777 - Azalea and flowering azalea z-fight when placed next to blocks
- MC-213789 - Water behaves as if moss blocks were air
- MC-213815 - Grass, ferns, flowers, bushes, saplings and bamboo cannot be placed on top of rooted dirt
- MC-213837 - Can’t pick block big dripleaf stem
- MC-213841 - Signs, banners, paintings & item frames cannot be placed on moss
- MC-213860 - Farmland/dirt path don’t convert to dirt when moss is placed above
- MC-213877 - Cannot turn Rooted Dirt into a Dirt Path
- MC-213878 - Using bone meal on a small dripleaf shows breaking particles
- MC-213899 - Big Dripleaf can be rotated incorrectly by breaking and replacing it
- MC-213907 - Skeletons don’t have a shaking animation while converting to strays
- MC-213958 - Azalea bushes connect to walls and fences
- MC-214049 - Mining rooted dirt is slightly faster than mining other dirt blocks
- MC-214073 - The azalea’s side textures are partially cut off
- MC-214097 - Cake cannot be placed on top of a moss block
- MC-214135 - Converted moss blocks do not update redstone
- MC-214181 - Rooted dirt cannot be picked up by endermen
- MC-214374 - Redstone doesn’t connect vertically on moss blocks
- MC-214586 - Rooted Dirt has no assigned tool
- MC-214589 - End gateway exit portals can be set to high coordinates, kicking the player
- MC-214639 - Rooted dirt is not randomly rotated
- MC-214693 - Tripwire texture is not mirrored correctly from behind
- MC-214694 - Tripwire which is part of a tripwire hook is not mirrored correctly from behind
- MC-214695 - Big dripleaf texture mirrored incorrectly from underneath
- MC-214696 - Small dripleaf texture mirrored incorrectly from underneath
- MC-214698 - Azalea top texture is mirrored incorrectly
- MC-214818 - Waterlogged pointed stalagmites don’t drop when their support block is broken
- MC-214858 - Powered big dripleaf play tilting sounds when blocks are changed nearby
- MC-214879 - Selecting nothing and pressing Ctrl+C clears clipboard
- MC-214901 - Rain passes through moss blocks
- MC-214965 - Maximum building height is 319, but warning message says 320
- MC-216820 - Cobbled Deepslate Slab uses the stone sounds instead of the deepslate sounds
- MC-217749 - Small Dripleaf can’t be placed on Rooted Dirt while waterlogged
- MC-218888 - Shift Clicking items into inventory prevents the relevant advancement from triggering
- MC-219054 - Can type text into anvil text field without putting an item in it, preventing you from closing the UI with E
- MC-219103 - The eyes of some entities can be seen through powder snow/lava
- MC-219203 - Mineshaft support legs can generate in lava
- MC-219240 - Inconsistency: cobbled deepslate does not take longer to mine than deepslate
- MC-219635 - There is no sound when defrosting from fire/lava (vanilla parity)
- MC-219740 - Spyglass overlay broken while in water with fast graphics
- MC-219850 - There is no sound or subtitle for applying/removing/scraping wax or oxidation
- MC-219868 - Opening a UI darkens the background less than it used to
- MC-219906 - Minecraft crashes when spectating an entity submerged in water
- MC-219920 - Amethyst Blocks can no longer be gained by mining them
- MC-219933 - Shulker heads do not flash red when taking damage / when killed
- MC-219937 - Parity issue: Clouds are at y=192
- MC-219973 - Hanging Roots takes about a second to be mined
- MC-219974 - Big Dripleaf takes about a second to be mined
- MC-220068 - Experience orbs are no longer affected by the fog from powder snow/lava
- MC-220069 - Wither/creeper armor is no longer affected by the fog from powder snow/lava
- MC-220070 - Lightning is not affected by the fog from powder snow/lava
- MC-220157 - String is not affected by light levels
- MC-220174 - With graphics set to Fabulous!, blocks such as honey, slime and stained glass appear lit up in third person mode
- MC-220269 - Shader texture coordinate wrapping mode causes screen effects like glowing to wrap where they shouldn’t
- MC-220339 - Beacon beam is not affected by the fog from powder snow/lava
- MC-221146 - Water fog still very subtle making water appear too clear in the distance
Get the snapshot
Snapshots are available for Minecraft: Java Edition. To install the snapshot, open up the Minecraft Launcher and enable snapshots in the "Installations" tab.
Snapshots can corrupt your world, so please backup and/or run them in a different folder from your main worlds.
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- Head over to our feedback website or come chat with us about it on the official Minecraft Discord.
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