Villages are some of the most bustling, lively places in Minecraft outside of the player’s own constructions. They’re populated by sort-of-friendly folk involved in various useful pursuits: farmers, fisherman, fletchers, butchers, clerics, armorers and more. Including my favourite: the nitwit. Villagers in Minecraft can also be leatherworkers, librarians, masons, cartographers, shepherds, toolsmiths, and weaponsmiths.
Right click on a villager in Minecraft and you can trade with them, offering them emeralds in exchange for better equipment, maps to notable treasures or food. Unless you are trying to trade with a nitwit, of course, in which case you’re going to get squat. Who’s the nitwit now?
Back in the old days, though, that’s all you were guaranteed from any of the village’s occupants.
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