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    Deep Dives
    Duncan Geere
    Duncan Geere
    20. 8. 13.

    Around the Block: Basalt Deltas

    You’ll lava trip there

    "I remember being approached by the team with a question that came completely out of the blue: 'Do you want to work on a biome?'. At that point, we only had four Nether biomes and I had no idea that a fifth biome was in development. 

    Unlike the other Nether biomes, the Basalt Delta had no visual guide or design planned for it. It was a scrapped biome and the Nether Update was, at the time, intended to only introduce the Soul Sand Valley, Warped Forest, and Crimson Forest biomes.

     The only thing we had for this biome was code for a prototype that had been worked on by pretty much every member of our Gameplay team and it was not guaranteed that this biome would make it for the Nether Update."

    - Felix

    “I believe the community at the time felt the same thing that the team did: that the Nether Update was missing something and it just needed one more thing to make it feel complete. We also had a new stone material to introduce, blackstone, and no biome for it to naturally appear in.”

    - Felix

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