Are you overflowing with ideas for custom blocks you want to create for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition, but also overwhelmed with how to get started? While we do have some helpful and hefty guides on how to create them, what would you do if there was an easier way to generate all the complex bits and bobs? Jump for joy? Shed a tear out of happiness? Or simply just keep reading this blog?
Introducing the Minecraft Block Wizard! The learning curve for creating blocks can be quite steep in Minecraft: Bedrock Edition, but thanks to our friend Jannis at Blockbench and the recent block geometry update, making custom blocks has never been easier!
What is the Block Wizard?
The Block Wizard is like the Entity Wizard, but for blocks.
For beginners, the Block Wizard adds a layer of visualization to customizing how a block behaves and appears, and you can easily then use it in-game without ever needing to modify the files. Seeing block properties in the context of a UI also makes tinkering with files a lot easier!
For experts, a huge benefit to the Block Wizard is that the administrative work of generating the resource/behavior pack files is done for you, so that you can save time and get right to the fun part of designing your block and directly modifying the code.
With the release of the 1.19.50 update, we've released the collision_box component out of experimental. That means entities will properly collide with your custom blocks, and things like flowers are now possible because collision can be complete disabled! Yay!
How do I try it out?
Install Blockbench.
Install Minecraft: Bedrock Edition and/or Minecraft Preview (pro-tip: you can download Bedrock Edition and Preview via the Minecraft Launcher–download from the Microsoft Store.)
Add the Block Wizard plugin to Blockbench by navigating to File -> Plugins -> Search for “Block Wizard” and install.
Create your own block, activate it as a resource/behavior pack, and then play in-game!
Share with the Minecraft team building creator tools! Post on Twitter with #MinecraftCreator and tag @Minecraft and @Blockbench!
Documentation and Tutorials
For the Block Wizard, we highly recommend watching the tutorial below, created by Jannis. This is also featured in the Block Wizard documentation.