As team captain of “Hang on, which way was my base again?”, I’m happy (but mostly relieved, really) to announce that the lodestone is getting a new, simpler recipe! Now, you’ll only need to combine an iron ingot with your chiseled bricks to craft a lodestone. By placing this block in your base – or that hilltop with all the fluffy cold pigs – you will always find your way back with a compass. So what are you waiting for? Craft a lodestone, then head out into the Overworld to explore all the new features coming into testing!
How can I test these features?
You can test these features by enabling snapshots for Minecraft: Java Edition, or by enabling previews/beta* for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition. To install a snapshot, open up the Minecraft Launcher and enable snapshots in the "Installations" tab. To enable preview/beta for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition follow these instructions.
*Preview is available for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition Realms on Xbox, Windows 10/11, and iOS. Betas are available on Android (Google Play).
Send us your feedback!
These features are all still in development, which means that the details outlined above might change as we iterate on them. So then why have we released them into testing? Because we want your feedback! Send your thoughts here, and report bugs at!