Ahh, a freshly baked snapshot! It undoubtedly smells better than the piglins that we just added...
Features in 20w07a
- Endermen can now pick up some of the new Nether blocks
- Endermen will no longer pick up Netherrack
- Gave Hoglins some actual functionality
- Added Piglins
- The Wither can now be summoned using soul soil as base
- Netherite blocks can be used as the base of a beacon and Netherite ingots can be used as the fuel for a beacon. Weird flex but ok.
- Piglins and Hoglins are now required for Monster Hunter and Monsters Hunted
- Hoglins are big aggressive beasts that live in crimson forests in the Nether
- They attack players on sight, so be careful, they can easily knock you off a ledge!
- Hoglins drop pork and sometimes leather, but not willingly
- You can breed Hoglins by feeding them crimson fungi, but do so at your own risk
- Hoglins get hunted by Piglins sometimes, but they don’t go down without a fight!
- Despite this, Hoglins and Piglin aren’t enemies – they are more like an ecosystem
- Baby Hoglins like to pretend they are tough – but don’t worry, they are more like angry puppies with no teeth
- Want to keep Hoglins off your back? Pro tip: Hoglins hate the smell of warped fungi!
- Piglins are an aggressive civilization that live in the Nether
- They mostly hang around in crimson forests, but you might find
some in the Nether wastes too - They think of players as target practice and will attack on sight
- However, if you dress appropriately they will see you as a respectable figure, or tolerable at least
- Piglins are suspicious of strangers and if they see you opening a chest, or mining a block of gold,
they will assume that you’re stealing and will treat you accordingly - Piglins LOVE gold and get very distracted by gold items
- Gold ingots are currency to Piglins and you can throw ingots at them or right-click them with an
ingot to barter for various goods - Piglins sometimes get hungry and hunt Hoglins for food. Or they try at least. They results… vary.
- Piglins prefer to hunt and fight in groups, and when a fight is happening everyone wants in
- Piglins that somehow end up in the overworld become zombified fairly quickly
- Piglins are creeped out by soul fire and zombified Piglins, and will stay clear whenever possible
- Wither skeletons are a historic enemy and Piglins will attack on sight
- Baby Piglins are not as dangerous, but they can be mischievous so watch your back
- … and they like to play with baby Hoglins
Fixed bugs in 20w07a
- MC-65951 - Armor stands fall through fences
- MC-75328 - /clear doesn’t clear items in the inventory crafting grid
- MC-79944 - Various statistics overflow at 32-bit integer limit
- MC-89043 - Slime blocks moved by pistons often fail to bounce up the player
- MC-93813 - Snow golems throwing snowballs play arrow shooting sound
- MC-94094 - Snow golems don’t drop their pumpkin when sheared
- MC-94730 - Endermen become passive when teleporting randomly during day while being aggressive
- MC-132967 - Mushrooms show as green dots on map
- MC-133088 - Missing translation string death.attack.magic.player
- MC-135034 - Burning mobs are extinguished by snow in cold biomes, but not in snowy biomes
- MC-148067 - Snow Golems Damaged by Snowfall in Mountain/Cold Biomes
- MC-155977 - Enchanting a book makes the book lose its name
- MC-160053 - Enderman keeps following the player after becoming neutral/passive
- MC-166245 - No sound for shearing snow golems
- MC-167561 - All players can make a dog stand up or sit down
- MC-167692 - Infested blocks don’t spawn silverfish when blown up
- MC-170816 - Debug Pie freezes in place when closing F3 menu and stays there
- MC-170846 - Stacked walls create pillars when they should not, depending on the order of placement
- MC-170848 - Hoglin and zombie pigman spawn eggs look identical
- MC-170849 - Hoglin’s hitbox is way too small
- MC-170852 - Breaking a warped or crimson doors drops two items in Survival mode
- MC-170862 - Soul “Lights” do not update walls
- MC-170869 - Soul fire lantern animation missing
- MC-170881 - Fire doesn’t burn items
- MC-170886 - Alt+F3 debug graph no longer functions
- MC-170899 - Netherite cannot power beacons
- MC-170939 - Walls don’t create pillars with string / tripwire above
- MC-170951 - Cannot teleport entities outside of the world
- MC-171023 - Walls don’t stack properly in some directions when placed next to blocks
- MC-171211 - Observers no longer detect a piston base starting to retract
- MC-171333 - Killing a hoglin does not grant the ‘Monster Hunter’/‘Monsters Hunted’ advancements
- MC-172025 - Several misrotated blocks at snowy_medium_house_2
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Snapshots are available for Minecraft: Java Edition. To install the snapshot, open up the Minecraft Launcher and enable snapshots in the "Installations" tab.
Snapshots can corrupt your world, please backup and/or run them in a different folder from your main worlds.
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