It's true! We're letting you (yes YOU) decide on what goes into Minecraft! As Jens explains in the video above, we've designed four new mobs, but only one will be added to the game. Which one? A, B, C or D? That's up to you!
During the MINECON Earth livestream on November 18th, voting will officially begin. You'll be able to vote for your favourite mob during the show, with the least popular mobs knocked out until only one remains. This winning mob, as chosen by you, will be permanently added to Minecraft!
We'll be talking more about these individual mobs soon, but make sure you tune into the MINECON Earth livestream on November 18th for your chance to vote. Click here to go directly to the MINECON Earth page for more info, or click here to find out about MINECON Earth parties in your area!
Good luck! Oh, and you had better vote for my favourite mob, which is Mo-[NAME REDACTED TO PROTECT THE SANCTITY OF DEMOCRACY].
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