When I was a kid, I was obsessed with Toy Story (who am I kidding, I’m still obsessed) and, of course, convinced that my toys were alive. I would close my eyes, pretend I was asleep… THEN LEAP OUT OF BED in an attempt to catch my toys eating dinner or doing their taxes or whatever it is that toys do. But they would still be in their usual places, looking back at me with their plastic sparkly eyes.

Toy Story Mash-Up
Available now in the Minecraft Marketplace!
Well, it turns out there is a much easier way of jumping into the Toy Story universe – and all from the perspective of the toys themselves. Woody, Bo Peep, Buzz Lightyear, and some of the other charismatic characters you know and love have taken a detour to the world of Minecraft! All-new characters from Disney and Pixar’s Toy Story 4, Duke Caboom and Ducky & Bunny are also joining the adventure!
Explore some of the places you love (Andy’s bedroom!) and maybe are a little afraid of (I still have nightmares about Sid’s bedroom), from the teeny perspective of the toys. Yes, you are indeed tiny, which means you’ll have to climb, jump, and solve puzzles to find your way through an enormous, yet familiar world!
The Toy Story Mash-Up pack is available in the Minecraft Marketplace now. Go play!
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