Real-world saddles date probably back as far as 4000 BC, shortly after the horse was domesticated. The earliest saddle-like constructions that survive today are primitive blankets or pads used by Assyrian cavalry forces around 700 BC, held on with a strap.
A key development was that of the saddle “tree” – a frame that distributes weight across a horse’s back, not just on its spine. That makes the whole “being ridden” experience a lot more comfortable for the horse. Another important technology was “stirrups”, which the rider hooks their feet into to increase stability. Both emerged around 200 BC in China.
Today, saddles are a lot more complicated – and there are lots of different kinds depending on what you want to do with the horse. There are saddles for hunting, saddles for polo, saddles for racing, saddles for police horses, saddles for jumping, saddles for rounding up cattle, saddles for carrying heavy loads, and many more!
With all that diversity and complexity, it’s no wonder no-one in Minecraft remembers how to craft this ancient technology. Maybe one day!
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