Ah, August. The dreamy days of summer are coming to a close, but don’t worry – the even dreamier days of autumn are just around the corner. As is our livestream Minecraft Now! On August 25, noon EDT, Vu will be joined by Anna, Ingela, Cameron, and Agnes – so mark your calendars!
This month’s episode will feature an exclusive tour of Anna’s art museum on Spawnpoint, the official Mojang Studios server. Ingela and Agnes will build a beautiful tribute to their favorite mob, and we’re also taking a look at some amazing community art featuring mangroves.
Minecraft Now is already quite interactive, with a live chat where you can ask our hosts questions. But this time around, we’re taking it to the next level! In our efforts to find more ways to play Minecraft during work hours, we’ve created a Bedrock server in Minecraft Preview that you can play and vote in! Depending on what you vote for, you can influence whether our guests will battle the Wither or the Ender Dragon during the show. The server is full of fun stuff, so besides voting you can take a ride on the Minecraft rollercoaster or secure a spot on the leaderboards in minigames like Battle Arena, Parkour, and Dropper!
The Bedrock server is available on Windows and Xbox in Minecraft Preview, which can be found in the Windows Store, Xbox Store, and Xbox Games Pass subscription. If you participate in the Minecraft beta on Android, you can also access this server! Follow these instructions to access betas for Android. If you are already enrolled in Testflight on iOS, you will be able to access this server but it will not be possible for new iOS players to join at this time. If you only have Java Edition installed, you can read more about installing a free version of Bedrock Edition here.
To join the server, sign in to Minecraft Preview with your MSA. You can read more about signing in to Minecraft here. In the main menu, you’ll find a button in the left corner that reads “MINECRAFT NOW”. Click the button, join the server, and voila! You’re ready to cast your vote and play as much as you like while watching old episode of Minecraft Now! The vote opens on August 24, noon EDT and will be open for 24 hours and fifteen minutes. Find out which mob will battle our guests during the show, which starts at noon EDT on August 25!
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