Remember that time when you asked when Minecraft Earth would be available to play in closed beta? And how we answered that a lucky few would be able to play before summer is even over? Well, that answer wasn’t some mean-spirited practical joke! We didn’t slyly refer to the summer of 2022 (by then, we’ll all be busy watching the Minecraft movie)!
In fact, the closed beta has finally arrived! If you live in London, Seattle, Stockholm or Tokyo and have signed up to participate, there’s a chance you’ve been selected. Lately, we’ve been busy writing thousands of invitation emails to all those lucky players. So, Londoners, Seattleites, Stockholmers, Tokyoites and good citizens of Mexico City – check those inboxes, stat!
Have you been invited, and find yourself equally excited and confused? Take a deep breath, we have you covered! Go here to learn how to get started, and what you need to do to stay in the beta.
Still have questions? The Minecraft Earth FAQ probably answers them. No? Then the lovely Discord community will take good care of you. Found a bug in the game? Ewww. Go here to report it so we can squash it! Just looking to get some feedback off your chest? We’d love that! That’s what betas are for.
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