It’s here. The Cave Update, with a side of cliffs. That’s right, The Caves & Cliffs Update: Part I is launching today!
Now you can finally swim with the glow squid, fight alongside the axolotls, and get rammed off a mountain by a goat. You can also build with new blocks like copper, pointed dripstone, and moss, hang some hanging roots and cave vines, and marvel at the new ore textures. Light up your homes, caves, mineshaft and lives with the glow berry. Build a spyglass and peep your next adventure or just keep track of what that creeper over yonder is doing. Wait, what is it doing? Is it getting closer, or is this spyglass just really good?
Have fun with Part I!.
- Added Dripstone Block and Pointed Dripstone
- Added Block of Amethyst, Budding Amethyst, Amethyst Cluster, and Amethyst Bud
- Added Block of Raw Iron, Copper, and Gold
- Added Candles
- Added Copper
- Added Deepslate
- Added Glow Lichen
- Added Lava Cauldron
- Added Lightning Rod
- Added Lush Caves Block
- Added Powder Snow
- Added Raw Copper, Raw Iron, and Raw Gold items
- Added the Axolotl
- Added the Glow Squid
- Added the Goat
- Added Spyglass
- Added Tinted Glass
- A Shulker hitting a Shulker with a Shulker Bullet can make a new Shulker
- Additions to Wandering Trader and Mason trades
- Bundles and Shulker Box items will drop their contents when destroyed
- Changed Infested Block destroy times
- Changes to Shipwreck and Mineshaft loot
- Dirt Paths (formerly Grass Path) can now be made by using a Shovel on Dirt, Podzol, Mycelium, or Coarse Dirt (as well as Grass)
- Drowned now has a chance of dropping a Copper Ingot, and they no longer drop Gold Ingots
- Experience Orbs now sometimes merge when in large quantities to improve performance. This does not change the rate at which the player can absorb them, it simply limits the amount of separate orbs floating around in the world. Orbs that merge will gain the lifetime of the most recently created one.
- Holding down the space bar now increases the scroll speed in the credits
- Minecarts and Rails work in water
- Particles now appear when Pistons break blocks
- Reordered some blocks in the Building Blocks Tab in the Creative Menu
- Reordered the Redstone Tab in the Creative Menu
- Simple Firework Rockets with one Gunpowder can now be crafted using the recipe book
- Added an alternative solid black background color for the Mojang Studios loading screen, toggleable with the “Monochrome Logo” accessibility option
- Added “Whatever Floats Your Goat!” for floating in a boat with a Goat
- Added “Wax on” for applying Honeycomb to a Copper block
- Added “Wax off” for scraping wax off a Copper block
- Added “The Cutest Predator” for catching an Axolotl in a Bucket
- Added “The Healing Power of Friendship!” for teaming up with an Axolotl and winning a fight
- Added “Glow and Behold” for making a Sign glow
- Added “Light as a Rabbit” for walking on Powder Snow with Leather Boots
- Added “Surge Protector!” for having a lightning strike a Lightning Rod near a Villager without setting the area on fire
- Added “Is It a Bird?” for looking at a Parrot through a Spyglass
- Added “Is It a Balloon?” for looking at a Ghast through a Spyglass
- Added “Is It a Plane?” for looking at the Ender Dragon through a Spyglass
Amethyst Blocks
- Amethyst comes in block form inside the Geodes in two ways: Block of Amethyst and Budding Amethyst
- All types of Amethyst blocks (Clusters included) create beautiful sounds when you walk on them, break them, place them, or hit them with a projectile – go make some music!
Amethyst Clusters
- Amethyst Clusters grow from Budding Amethyst, which can be found inside Amethyst Geodes
- Clusters have four growth stages: Small Amethyst Bud, Medium Amethyst Bud, Large Amethyst Bud, and Amethyst Cluster
- Clusters can only grow when they are placed on Budding Amethyst blocks
- Fully-grown Amethyst Clusters drop four Amethyst Shards (or more with Fortune) when mined with a Pickaxe, and drop two Amethyst Shards when broken by hand, Piston, or other means
- Clusters can be Silk Touched at any stage
Amethyst Geodes
- These huge geodes can be found anywhere underground in the Overworld
- Amethyst Geodes have an outer layer of a new stone called Smooth Basalt
- Amethyst Geodes have a second layer of another new block called Calcite
- Amethyst Geodes have an inner layer of various Amethyst blocks
Amethyst Shards
- Amethyst Clusters drop two Amethyst Shards when broken by hand, Piston, or other means
- Amethyst Clusters drop four Amethyst Shards when mined with a Pickaxe (or more with Fortune)
- Amphibious!
- Axolotls spawn in underground water that is in total darkness with Stone, Granite, Diorite, Andesite, Tuff, or Deepslate below
- Axolotls love tropical fish! Bucket of Tropical Fish can be used to breed Axolotls.
- Axolotls will swim around with you if you’re holding a Bucket of Tropical Fish in either hand
- When a player kills a mob that the Axolotl was attacking or being attacked by, the Axolotl will show its appreciation by granting the player temporary Regeneration and removing any Mining Fatigue effects
- If the player has more than 2 minutes of Regeneration effect left already, the axolotl will not grant additional regeneration
- You can pick up your Axolotl in a Water Bucket and carry it around just like a Salmon or a Cod!
- Axolotls will always chase after and attack Squids, Glow Squids, Tropical Fish, Cod, Salmon, Pufferfish, Drowned, Guardians, and Elder Guardians
- Axolotls do not like being out of water, and will dry up and begin taking damage if they are out of water for longer than 5 minutes
- An Axolotl will not dry up as long as they are in water or rain
- Sometimes when an Axolotl takes damage while inside water, it will pretend to be dead so that it stops being attacked
- There are four common varieties and one rare variety (blue) of Axolotl
- Axolotls spawn in underground water sources that are in total darkness and above natural stone blocks
- Axolotls now have a two-minute cooldown after hunting non-hostile targets: Squids, Glow Squids, Tropical Fish, Cod, Salmon, and Pufferfish
- Axolotls will prioritize targeting hostile mobs over hunting
Bone Meal
- A crinkly, crunchy sound plays when Bone Meal is used
Budding Amethyst
- On any side of a Budding Amethyst block where there is air or a water source block, a Small Amethyst Bud will eventually grow
- Amethyst Buds can only grow when attached to Budding Amethyst, and will grow until they become Amethyst Clusters
Building Blocks Tab
- All ores have been reordered to be in the same location in the creative inventory
- Compact forms of raw and refined underground materials have been reordered
- Candles come in all sixteen colors and one uncolored variant
- Up to four Candles can be placed in one block
- Waterloggable! (But you cannot light them underwater, silly)
- Wish anybody a happy birthday with a Cake with a Candle!
- Candles can only be placed if there is a solid surface below but will remain even if the surface below is removed
- Cauldrons can now be filled with Lava and Powder Snow Buckets!
- Cauldrons filled with lava give off a Redstone signal with Strength 3 when used with a comparator
Copper blocks
- Craft nine Copper Ingots into a Copper Block
- Craft Cut Copper, Cut Copper Stairs, and Cut Copper Slabs
- The Stonecutter can be used to craft the different Copper Block variants
- Use Honeycomb to craft Waxed Copper Blocks
- Right-click with Honeycomb on Copper Blocks to wax them
- Use Honeycomb in a Dispenser to wax Copper Blocks
Copper Ore
- Copper Ore can be found in ore blobs across the Overworld, similar to Iron and Coal (this is not the final generation for Copper…)
- Smelt Copper Ore to get a Copper Ingot
- Copper Ore drops 2-3 Raw Copper
- Deepslate can be found in the deepest parts of the underground, and is slightly tougher to mine than normal Stone
- Deepslate will drop Cobbled Deepslate, similar to how Stone drops Cobblestone
- You can still obtain Deepslate with Silk Touch
- Like Cobblestone, Cobbled Deepslate can be used to craft basic tools, Furnaces and Brewing Stands
- You can also craft the following blocks with Deepslate:
- Cobbled Deepslate Slab
- Cobbled Deepslate Stairs
- Cobbled Deepslate Wall
- Polished Deepslate
- Polished Deepslate Slab
- Polished Deepslate Stairs
- Polished Deepslate Wall
- Deepslate Bricks
- Deepslate Brick Slab
- Deepslate Brick Stairs
- Deepslate Brick Wall
- Deepslate Tiles
- Deepslate Tile Slab
- Deepslate Tile Stairs
- Deepslate Tile Wall
- Chiseled Deepslate
- Cracked Deepslate Bricks
- Cracked Deepslate Tiles
- There is also an Infested variant of Deepslate found in the underground
- Cobbled Deepslate can be smelted into Deepslate
Deepslate Ores
- When ore is generated in the same place as Deepslate, Deepslate variants of that ore are now generated instead
- Twice as tough to mine as normal ores
Dripstone Block
- Decorative block
- Can be crafted with four Pointed Dripstone
Pointed Dripstone
- Forms a stalactite if placed on the ceiling or a stalagmite if placed on the floor
- Can be combined to form longer stalactites & stalagmites
- Stalactites and stalagmites merge if the tips are next to each other unless you press shift while placing
- Stalagmites will break if they’re not attached to something below
- Landing or jumping on a stalagmite hurts! They are sharp
- Stalactites fall down if not attached to something above
- Being hit by a falling stalactite hurts! They are sharp
- Stalactites drip water (or lava if there is lava above the ceiling)
- A stalactite with a water source above the ceiling will gradually fill a cauldron below with water
- A stalactite with a lava source above the ceiling will fill a cauldron below with lava after a while
- Thrown Tridents break Pointed Dripstone
Dripstone growth
- If a stalactite is hanging from a Dripstone Block with a water source above, it will slowly grow both the stalactite from above and a stalagmite from below
- Growth speed is random but very slow, a single growth step can take several Minecraft days
- A stalactite will only grow up to seven blocks long
- A stalactite will only cause stalagmite growth if the floor or stalagmite below is within 10 blocks
- If the stalactite tip is inside water it won’t drip, and therefore won’t trigger any growth
- If the stalagmite tip is inside water it won’t receive drops, and therefore won’t be grown by a dripping stalactite. Same thing if there is any fluid between the two tips.
- A stalagmite or stalactite will never grow into a fluid
Glow Lichen
- A dim light source that generates in caves
- Use Shears to pick it up
- Use Bone Meal to spread it along block surfaces
Glow Squid
- Glow Squids are well-lit and can be seen from far distances
- When killed, Glow Squids drop Glow Ink Sacs
- Glow Ink Sacs can be used on Signs to make the text super visible, even at night. Works with colors!
- Craft a Glow Item Frame by combining a Glow Ink Sac with an Item Frame in a Crafting Table. Any item in a Glow Item Frame is perfectly illuminated, even at night.
- Use an Ink Sac on a Sign to remove the glow effect
- Axolotls will attack any Glow Squids they see, so… be careful
- Glow Squids spawn in underground water that is in total darkness with Stone, Granite, Diorite, Andesite, Tuff, or Deepslate below
- Goats spawn in mountains
- Goats can scale the sides of mountains with their incredible jumps
- Goats can be tempted and bred using Wheat
- Goats are another source of Milk!
- Goats will ram anything that moves… also Armor Stands
- Two in every 100 goats have something very loud to tell you!
- Goats will avoid walking on Powder Snow
- Screaming Goats will use their ram attack more often than other Goats will
- Mobs rammed by Goats do not retaliate
Infested Blocks
- Infested Blocks are no longer instantly destroyed, and instead, have half the destroy time of their non-infested counterpart
Lightning Rod
- A Lightning Rod is crafted from three Copper Ingots
- Keeps your builds safe (well, as long as the closest area around the Lightning Rod is fireproof) during thunderstorms!
- The Lightning Rod will protect an area of 8 * 16 blocks around it from the, sometimes devastating, lightning strikes!
- Lightning Rods give off a Redstone signal when struck by lightning
Lush Caves blocks
- Added Moss
- Added Dripleaves
- Added Rooted Dirt and Hanging Roots
- Added Spore Blossoms (currently only available in the Creative inventory)
- Added Cave Vines and Glow Berries
- Added Azalea Bushes
Azalea Bushes
- Added Azalea Bushes as well as Flowering Azaela Bushes
- Bees see Flowering Azalea (and Flowering Azalea Leaves) as flowers
- Bonemeal Azalea or Flowering Azalea to get an Azalea Tree
Cave Vines and Glow Berries
- Cave Vines grow down from the ceiling, like Weeping Vines
- When they grow they have a chance of producing Glow Berries
- Glow Berries are a natural light source as well as a food source
- Foxes eat Glow Berries
- Use Glow Berries to plant new Cave Vines
- Bonemealing a Cave Vine will create Glow Berries
Drip Leaves
- Small Dripleaf needs moisture, so it grows on Clay or underwater
- The facing direction of Small Dripleaf blocks is determined by which direction the player is facing when placing it
- The Wandering Trader will sometimes sell Small Dripleaf plants
- Small Dripleaf grows into Big Dripleaf when bonemealed
- Big Dripleaf grows taller when bonemealed
- If you stand on a Big Dripleaf, it will tilt after a while, and you will fall off
- A tilted Big Dripleaf will tilt up again after a while
- A Big Dripleaf will tilt when hit by a projectile
- A Redstone powered Big Dripleaf will not tilt (except when hit by a projectile)
- Two new decorative blocks: Moss Block and Moss Carpet
- Moss Carpet can be crafted from Moss Blocks
- Moss Blocks can be crafted with Cobblestone or Stone Bricks to make the mossy versions of those blocks
- Added Rooted Dirt and Hanging Roots – decorative blocks that will appear in the upcoming Lush Caves biome
- Bonemealing Rooted Dirt grows Hanging Roots underneath
- Tilling Rooted Dirt with a Hoe will convert it into Dirt, and pop out a Hanging Roots item.
Spore Blossoms
- A beautiful large flower placed on ceilings
- Particles drip from it and will appear in the air around it
Minecarts and Rails work in water
- All Rails can be waterlogged (works with a Dispenser & Water Bucket too)
- Flowing water doesn’t break Rails
- Minecarts can pass through water, but get slowed down more than usual
- Copper will oxidize over time
- There are four stages: Copper, Exposed Copper, Weathered Copper, and Oxidized Copper
- It takes 50-82 Minecraft days (in loaded chunks) for a Copper Block to oxidize one stage
- Waxed Copper Blocks will not oxidize
- You can wax any oxidation stage – how lovely, that means you can keep that pretty Weathered Copper Block in its weathered stage forever!
- A lightning strike hitting Copper will clean its oxidation
- Waxed Copper Blocks can be crafted into nine Copper Ingots
- Axes can scrape off wax and oxidation from Copper Blocks
Powder Snow
Snowier snow!
- Powder Snow is a trap block that causes any entity that walks into it to sink in it
- You can pick up and place Powder Snow with a Bucket
- Wear Leather Boots to prevent yourself from sinking into Powder Snow blocks
- Leave a Cauldron outside in falling snow and it will fill with Powder Snow
- Entities on fire now get extinguished when they collide with Powder Snow. The Powder Snow block is also destroyed
- Skeletons now convert to Strays when frozen
- Powder Snow is pushable by Pistons and Sticky Pistons
- Rabbits, Endermites, Silverfish, and Foxes can walk on top of Powder Snow without falling in
- Standing in Powder Snow will slowly freeze an entity
- Once frozen, freeze damage is done every few seconds to the frozen entity
- Wearing any piece of Leather Armor prevents freezing entirely
- Added a freezeDamage game rule that allows players to toggle whether Powder Snow causes freeze damage or not
- Strays, Polar Bears, and Snow Golems are immune to freezing
- Mobs that are fully frozen will shake
- Mobs that enjoy the heat (Blazes, Magma Cubes, and Striders) take increased freeze damage
Redstone Tab
- The Redstone Tab has been reordered to prioritize highly-used blocks
- Redstone items/blocks have been grouped and ordered in the following way:
- Essentials
- Unique activators
- Miscellaneous
- Common activators
- Openables
- Slime Blocks and Honey Blocks have been moved to the Redstone tab
Smeltable Ore Drops
- Ores that are smeltable now drop raw item forms of the ore instead of the ore block, and these can be smelted just like before
- This is to prevent cluttering the inventory, and have consistency with Fortune on all ores
- Just like other ore materials, you can craft a compact version with raw ore items in order to save inventory space
Smooth Basalt
- Smelt Basalt to obtain Smooth Basalt
- You can use a Spyglass to see faraway things
- Pretend to be a sea captain, or catch your neighbor in the act as they dye your Sheep lime green
- The Spyglass is crafted from two Copper Ingots and one Amethyst Shard
Tinted Glass
- Tinted Glass is a type of glass that does not allow light to pass through
- Tinted Glass is crafted by putting a Glass Block in the middle of four Amethyst Shards
- Tinted Glass can be obtained without Silk Touch; it does not shatter like normal glass
Trade & Loot Table Additions
- Added the following trades to Mason:
- Will sell 4 Dripstone Blocks for 1 Emerald
- Added the following trades to Wandering Trader:
- Will sell 2 Pointed Dripstones for 1 Emerald
- Will sell 2 Rooted Dirt for 1 Emerald
- Will sell 2 Moss Blocks for 1 Emerald
- Moss Blocks can be found in Shipwreck Chests
- Glow Berries can be found in Mineshaft Chest Minecarts
- A new type of stone that can be found in blobs between y0 and y16
Underground structure changes
- Strongholds are mostly encased in Stone
- Mineshaft corridors are supported by log pillars below or Chains above when needed
- Cobwebs don’t generate fully floating in the air
- Sky color now varies smoothly when moving between different biomes
- Ores without unique shapes have been given new textures for accessibility reasons, so that each ore is distinguishable by shape alone
- Emerald Ore and Lapis Ore have had some small touch-ups
- Being the most iconic ore, Diamond Ore texture is staying the same to keep that classic feel maintained
- Blackstone, Polished Blackstone Bricks, and Cracked Polished Blackstone Bricks have had some minor touch-ups
- Clock and Compass textures have been updated
World generation
- Dripstone clusters can be found rarely in normal caves
- Deepslate blobs can be found from Y0 to y16
- Added /debug function
- Added /item command
- Added lightning_bolt sub-predicate
- Added looking_at condition to player sub-predicate
- Added passenger, stepping_on and lightning_bolt properties to entity predicate
- Added source condition to effects_changed trigger
- Added started_riding, lightning_strike and using_item advancement triggers
- Added a metric cube of light
- Added a new NBT tag for entities, named “HasVisualFire”, which will cause any entity with this flag to visually appear on fire, even if they are not actually on fire
- Added F3+L shortcut to generate and persist performance metrics from in-game
- F3+L on single-player worlds will also include reports for the integrated server
- Added gamerule playersSleepingPercentage (100 by default), which sets what percentage of players that must sleep in order to skip the night. Setting it to 0 will mean one player is always enough to skip the night. Setting it above 100 will prevent skipping the night.
- Added item modifiers, which will reuse loot table functions syntax to describe item modification in /item command
- Added loot table function set_banner_pattern
- Added the Marker entity
- Buttons that change value (like Difficulty) can now be controlled with the mouse wheel
- Clicking on a button that changes the value while holding the shift key changes to the previous value
- Data pack version is now 7
- “Debug” world type can now be accessed while holding the alt key (was shift)
- Entities are now saved separately from terrain chunks
- Expanded block field on block predicate to blocks
- Expanded item field on item predicate to items
- GUI narration now includes position and usage of hovered or focused elements
- Loot tables can now access scoreboard values by UUID
- OpenGL 3.2 core profile
- Perf start/stop command on dedicated servers will now generate and persist server performance metrics
- Removed /replaceitem
- Removed debug report command (use perf start/stop for server performance measurement)
- selector and nbt chat components can now configure separators between elements
- Servers can also display a custom message on resource pack prompt
- Servers can now require custom resource packs to be accepted
- The ‘/give’ command can only give up to 100 stacks of items at a time (e.g. 6400 stone or 100 iron swords)
- The default mode of structure blocks is now Load. Data is now hidden (but can be accessed by clicking the mode button while holding the alt key)
- The maximum length of item names in the Anvil UI has been increased from 35 to 50
- The maximum size that Slimes can be summoned with is now 128
- The pack format in version.json has been split into data and resource versions
- The Resource pack version is now 7
- Upgraded to Java 16
- Values inside random number generators can now be nested
/debug function
- New debug subcommand executes a command with the same syntax as function
- Every executed command, message (even if it would be normally invisible), result, or error is stored to file
Changed predicates
Block predicate
- block field expended to blocks, which now accepts an array of block types
Entity predicate
- passenger - a new sub-predicate for a passenger that is directly riding this vehicle (if present, must match one or more)
- stepping_on - a location predicate for a block that an entity is currently standing on
- lightning_bolt - a sub-predicate that is valid only for a lightning bolt entity
Item predicate
- item field expended to items, which now accepts an array of item types
Player predicate
- looking_at - an entity that is currently viewed by a player
- uses same the line-of-sight rules as attacking mobs
- actual detection radius might be changed in future
Changed triggers
- Added source triggers that match an entity that triggered the change
- Might be empty when:
- there is no entity (for example, effect gained from a Beacon)
- the effect is self-applied
- an effect is removed
Lightning Bolt
- blocks_set_on_fire - a range check for blocks set on fire by this entity
- entity_struck - a predicate for entities struck by this lightning bolt (if present, must match one or more)
New triggers
- Triggered when a lightning strike finishes (i.e. entity disappears)
- Triggers for any player within a certain radius of a lightning strike
- Conditions
- player - a player for which this trigger runs
- lightning -a predicate for a lightning entity
- bystander - a predicate for one of the entities in a certain area around a strike that is not hurt by it
- Triggered when a player starts riding a vehicle or an entity starts riding a vehicle currently ridden by a player
- Conditions:
- player - either a player that has started riding or one of the boat passengers
- Triggered for every tick of using items (like Crossbows and Spyglasses)
- Conditions
- player - a player that uses an item
- item - an item being used
Chat component separators
- Components that prints lists of names, like selector or nbt can now override separator (, by default) with separator element
- Examples:
- {"selector": "@e[type=chicken]", "separator": "|"}
- {"nbt": "CustomName", "entity": "@e[type=chicken]", "interpret": true, "separator": {"text": "*", "color": "red"}}
Modifies the item or block inventory.
This command has three forms:
Possible sources and targets:
For example, /item replace block ~ ~ ~ container.0 from entity @s enderchest.0 will copy the first item from the player’s Ender Chest to the first slot of a container that the player is currently standing on.
- /item replace <target> with <item stack> [<count>] - the same as old replaceitem
- /item replace <target> from <source> [<modifier>] - copies an item for source to target(s), optionally applying a modifier
- /item modify <target> <modifier> - modifies an item (without copying)
- entity <selector> <slot>
- block <x> <y> <z> <slot>
Custom server resource packs
- A dedicated server can enforce custom resource packs by setting require-resource-pack in
- When this option is used, players will be prompted for a response and will be disconnected if they decline the required pack
- If user has a setting to automatically decline packs, the prompt will still be shown (since the alternative would be automatic disconnection)
- A dedicated server can also configure an additional message to be shown on the resource pack prompt (resource-pack-prompt in, expects chat component syntax, can contain multiple lines)
- This message won’t be shown if user has already declined pack and it’s not required
Customized worlds
- World height related values are now exposed for customized worlds
Data Packs
Changes to data packs for version 7:
- Removal of /replaceitem (replaced with /item replace)
Entity storage
- Entities have been extracted from main (terrain) chunks and are now stored in a separate entities directory (similar to POI storage)
- Those new files are still region files with NBT
Item modifiers
- The function part of loot tables can now be defined as a separate data pack resource in the item_modifiers directory
- This type of file can contain a single function (i.e single JSON object) or an array of functions
Java 16
Minecraft now uses a more recent version of Java. If you are using a default setup, the Launcher will download and install the correct version. If you are using a custom Java setup, or a third-party launcher, you will need to ensure that your Java installation is version 16 or above.
Light block
- Op-only (/give), air-like, waterloggable block
- Emits light at a level that is determined by block state
- Visible and targetable only when an item is held (similar to Barrier Blocks)
- Right click cycles the light level
Loot tables
Changed conditions
Changed functions
- source parameter can now accept an object with type and additional parameters
- The old syntax of just writing “target” is present and equivalent to {"type": "context", "target": "<target>"}
- New storage provider (example: {"type": "storage", <namespaced id>}) can be used to access command storage
This function now has add parameter. If true, the change will be relative to the current item count. If false, item count will be replaced with current value (default behaviour)
This function now has an add parameter. If true, the change will be relative to the current damage. If false, the damage will be replaced with the current value (default behaviour)
New conditions
Checks range of value.
- value - see “New value providers” section (currently a combination of random generators and score)
- range - min/max range
New functions
Sets tags needed for banner patterns.
- patterns - list of pattern objects:
- pattern - the name of the pattern (square_bottom_left, bricks, etc.)
- colour - the name of the colour (light_gray, etc.)
- append - if true, the new elements will be appended to the existing ones instead of replacing them
Modifies enchantments on an item.
- enchantments - map of enchantment id to level value (can be a score or a random number)
- add - if true, the change will be relative to the current level. If false, the level will be replaced with the current value (default behaviour)
New value providers
Note: value providers can be used in same places as random number generators.
Returns scaled scoreboard value.
- score - scoreboard name
- target - see below
- scale - scaling factor (float)
Scoreboard provider targets
- <target> or {"type": "context", "target": <target>} where <target> can be one of this, killer, direct_killer, killer_player (not all may be available depending on context)
- {"type": "fixed", "name": "<scoreboard name>"} for fixed scoreboard name (may be fake player)
Markers are a new type of entity that is meant for custom use cases like map-making and data packs.
- Only exist on the server-side, and are never sent to clients
- They do not do any updates of their own
- They have a data compound field that can contain any data
Rendering is now using OpenGL 3.2 core profile. All fixed-function rendering has been replaced with shader-based rendering.
Shaders are now included for all supported render states. Any shader, except for the blit shader, can also be replaced in resource packs. For now, replacing these shaders is not officially supported, and the way it works may change in the future.
The current rendering engine uses a system similar to the post-processing shader pipeline. There are some differences between both systems that cater to the slightly different requirements.
- Added new particle types called vibration and dust_color_transition
Performance metrics reporting
These will be saved to a zip file in debug/profiling/<[levelname]-[version]>.zip and could be used for performance regression analysis if included in bug reports.
The exact metrics, output format, and names are susceptible to change between versions. Our plan is to continue iterating on which metrics to capture.
Client F3+L shortcut
Pressing F3+L while in the game will start a recording for 10 seconds, which captures metrics such as tick durations, used heap sizes, and other more detailed stats.
Pressing F3+L before the 10-second limit will end the recording early.
This shortcut is always available to clients, even on multi-player servers where it will record client-side performance.
Dedicated Server perf start/stop command
- perf start will start a recording for 10 seconds, which captures metrics such as tick durations, used heap sizes, and other more detailed stats
- perf stop before the 10-second limit will end the recording early
Resource Packs
Changes to resource packs for version 7:
- Drowned texture mirroring has changed (see MC-174685)
- The slots for the Game Mode Selector are now 26 pixels instead of 25
Server properties
- Removed max-build-height
- The statistic for play time has been renamed to play_time
- There is now a statistic for “Time with World Open” (total_world_time) that also includes time when the game was paused
Fixed bugs in 1.17
- MC-610 - Grass / Flowers / Snow are placed incorrectly in newly created chunks
- MC-1429 - When beacon power level is changed, the GUI doesn't update until closed and reopened
- MC-1483 - Snow covered grass/podzol/mycelium block side texture does not match original block
- MC-2490 - TNT animation ends at 80 ticks, ignores fuse length changes
- MC-3366 - End portal appears transparent from below
- MC-3587 - Last use of an anvil causes player to drop their item
- MC-3615 - Lava and water are completely transparent at certain height levels
- MC-8017 - Arrows and tridents are not being slowed down by webs but eggs and snowballs are
- MC-9568 - Mobs suffocate / go through blocks when growing up near a solid block
- MC-9591 - Players are able to create ghost lily pads
- MC-12363 - Lava / water / powder snow bucket desync when using it while rapidly turning
- MC-18880 - The Absorption effect has no texture for poison/wither hearts (appears empty instead)
- MC-19690 - Reducing maxHealth / max_health can cause fake death
- MC-29318 - Client misses inventory updates while player is manipulating items - causes invisible items
- MC-29522 - stat.playOneMinute adds a value of 1 every tick
- MC-32452 - Fog generates only in the centre of the screen
- MC-46650 - When flying through blocks in spectator mode in F5, the camera zooms in and out a lot
- MC-53518 - Endermen don't attack endermites spawned using spawn eggs or /summon
- MC-55775 - Statistics screen sometimes doesn't show up to date information
- MC-65587 - Lag spike while loading player head textures/player skins
- MC-68129 - Smooth lighting doesn't work properly underwater
- MC-70738 - Killing guardian with lava does not give cooked fish
- MC-70850 - False negatives during occlusion culling
- MC-71530 - Spectators can't see through lava
- MC-73104 - Server address field editing bug
- MC-77305 - When clearing water with sponges, sometimes lily pads will keep floating
- MC-79888 - Beacon beam can be seen when you have blindness effect
- MC-80468 - Inconsistency between block names
- MC-81851 - Flaming Arrow shot at Item Frame never extinguishes
- MC-84121 - Shape of glow effect is based on mob's base layer
- MC-85967 - Vines placed without a support block using /setblock cannot be interacted with
- MC-86313 - Off-hand slot sometimes doesn't play item pickup animation
- MC-86645 - Scroll bar goes higher than chat overlay
- MC-86994 - Fake map item by clearing filled_map from inventory
- MC-87019 - Only visible slots are updated clientside when you are inside an inventory
- MC-89087 - Command Block GUI takes a brief time to update (output bar shown when disabled, mode buttons in wrong state)
- MC-89880 - Spawner with weight 0 crashes game
- MC-91522 - Shulker rendering position desync and generates ghost shulker when destroying shulker-ridden boat or minecart
- MC-91888 - Hotkeying books on enchantment table causing client-side item count inaccuracy
- MC-92349 - Players can't tempt animals with food while other players are closer to the animal
- MC-92867 - Setting Json text value to null throws exceptions and crashes
- MC-93243 - Fog Rendering On AMD Graphics Cards & Integrated Graphics
- MC-96114 - Shulker can lift up mobs
- MC-96322 - Shulkers are unable to attack from boat
- MC-98219 - Experience orbs follow dead players
- MC-99098 - Shulker open and close hitbox is not updated, when they ride boat, minecart or mobs
- MC-99189 - Client overrides map data of map with id 0 when a new map is created
- MC-99259 - As of 1.9, the wither health bar doesn't go up during spawn
- MC-99680 - Heart jittering effect doesn't take absorption into account
- MC-101244 - Can't scan for LAN worlds on macOS
- MC-102220 - Barrier Blocks are not shown when "Show Invisible Blocks" is selected in Save Structure Blocks
- MC-102269 - Polar bears drop raw fish instead of cooked fish when killed with fire or lava
- MC-103430 - Vines breaking too slow (enchanted shears)
- MC-104897 - End crystals placed on exit portals generated before 1.9 do not respawn the ender dragon
- MC-105035 - Floating mineshafts generating incorrectly in shade
- MC-105080 - Ender Dragon is respawned if all Exit End Portal blocks are removed / legacy scanning is done for worlds with new dragon fight
- MC-105344 - Shulkers in boats and minecarts do not sit up if previousely attached to blocks sideways
- MC-106417 - Shulkers can be pushed outside of the world border by a piston
- MC-106613 - Shulker no longer continue close or open when it hurt in the peaceful mode
- MC-106690 - Servers sends SPacketMaps packets even if the map data did not change
- MC-108469 - Chunk-wise entity lists often don't get updated correctly (Entities disappear)
- MC-108636 - There are a number of unused texture files
- MC-108717 - Shulkers can't be pushed back
- MC-110903 - Cannot remove horse saddle using /replaceitem
- MC-111196 - Using a monster spawner to spawn shulkers spawns white shulkers
- MC-111534 - The firework rocket use statistic doesn't count rockets used for elytra boosting
- MC-112147 - Lava burning items or XP orbs sound muted when "Friendly Creatures" slider is turned off
- MC-113177 - Shulkers cannot be pushed inside non-solid blocks
- MC-114796 - Overworld nether portals outside of the world border (up to ~128m from the border) are considered valid
- MC-117653 - Recipes and advancements are not granted while most GUIs are open
- MC-118757 - Increasing Game State Rain Level values make the game increasingly laggier and distorts UI
- MC-119051 - Random transparent line in shulker box GUI texture
- MC-121897 - Gaps in an animation's used frames throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
- MC-123587 - Kicked from the game when reaching y levels over 30,000,000
- MC-124109 - Horses glitched with glowing effect
- MC-124667 - Air can be used in custom recipes, causing a crash
- MC-125033 - Old cave and ravine generation gets cut off unnaturally on chunk borders near water
- MC-125675 - Seagrass placed on the ocean floor can replace ocean monument parts
- MC-125858 - Grass / flowers / snow / trees are placed incorrectly in Superflat World
- MC-126997 - Undyed shulker box still uses cauldron's water when right clicking
- MC-127201 - /replaceitem makes quite an obnoxious sound, which is not heard by the person whose items are being replaced.
- MC-127692 - Experience build up in furnace when using a hopper which can cause severe lag
- MC-130098 - Debug world spawns player at y=2 instead at y=70 where all the blocks are
- MC-130449 - Cartographer villager freezes or crashes the game when unlocking explorer maps
- MC-130523 - Void World spawns you at y=0 even if you entered 64 air blocks in customization
- MC-130584 - When a structure loads, water sources in the structure spread into waterloggable blocks
- MC-131564 - Models that have locked uv in blockstates ignore texture rotation
- MC-133691 - Blocks can't be placed normally on a full cauldron
- MC-135552 - Dead Entities are saved to chunk
- MC-135561 - Failed to create OpenGL context on some Linux systems with Nvidia driver
- MC-136160 - The server doesn't send information about entity death to dead players
- MC-136486 - Zoomed out maps show with wrong number in inventory immediately after creation
- MC-136492 - Loading a rotated structure with item frames will make ground and ceiling item frames appear to face a diffrent direction than they actaully are
- MC-136497 - XP orbs causing severe lag
- MC-136560 - minecraft.used:minecraft.elytra not functioning
- MC-136647 - Leads don't work with Squids
- MC-136681 - Debug Stick use statistic increases when not allowed to use it
- MC-136776 - Some NBT tags are not kept when fish or axolotl mobs are caught in water buckets
- MC-137126 - Worldborder set size error message translation keys have an extra period at the end
- MC-137452 - Bamboo grows in lots of inappropriate places in Bamboo Jungles
- MC-138832 - Pitch and volume are ignored in the new sound packet
- MC-139265 - Shulkers do not teleport correctly when going through a portal
- MC-141034 - taiga_fisher_cottage_1 is filled with water
- MC-142711 - Baby turtles take damage when pushed against ceiling
- MC-143732 - Undead mobs that are halfway in sand blocks dont burn in daylight
- MC-143821 - Using empty map in creative mode can create additional map with ID 0
- MC-145501 - Librarian and zombie librarian torso top texture is incorrect
- MC-147589 - Vines no longer randomly generate in jungles
- MC-147729 - Crafting via the recipe book can delete items if picking up items while crafting
- MC-148071 - If you switch to a crossbow after charging another bow/crossbow, the crossbow you switched to will go weird for a second in the hotbar
- MC-148206 - Hand punching animation is played after eating crops while looking at a block
- MC-148432 - Sound spam while in water and lava at the same time
- MC-148758 - The loading screen is incorrect when reloading the resource packs with F3+T
- MC-148809 - Structure block data length limited to 12
- MC-149495 - Pufferfish triggers tripwire without colliding with it upon reloading the game
- MC-149777 - Crash when loading world: java.util.ConcurrentModificationException when using Java 11 or above
- MC-149799 - When a crossbow is loaded and in the offhand, you do not see it anymore if you carry an item in the main hand
- MC-150054 - Spectral arrow texture on item and entity aren't consistent
- MC-150784 - Brewing Stand bottle outline incorrect
- MC-151270 - Teleporting an entity from another dimension can cause UUID duplication in entity sections
- MC-152265 - Starting server outputs "unable to resolve BlockEntity for ItemStack" errors
- MC-153254 - Baby zombies/piglins take damage when pushed against ceiling by bubble columns
- MC-154006 - Overworld wood signs use the outdated wood texture on all sides
- MC-154094 - Lectern running /clear turns items into ghost items
- MC-155043 - Game output/log gets spammed with 'Fetching packet for removed entity ...' warnings
- MC-156109 - Turtles do not follow players in Creative mode holding seagrass
- MC-157116 - Food that is plantable counts towards using when right clicked on the ground
- MC-157993 - Mobs standing East/South against a shulker box are moved up/down when opening/closing
- MC-158466 - Server Crash (Exception ticking world: ConcurrentModificationException)
- MC-158640 - When a player is perfectly aligned with a shulker box, the shulker box teleports the player upwards when being opened
- MC-160195 - Jungle door inventory texture is outdated
- MC-160388 - Painting back texture has not been updated with the texture update
- MC-160994 - Blocks broken by pistons do not display breaking particles
- MC-161334 - Shulker boxes cannot be opened if next to a shulker mob
- MC-161592 - Entities lose their scores when switching dimensions
- MC-162910 - Additional map is created when using an empty map in Creative in a newly created world
- MC-162953 - NativeImage bounds checks are incorrect
- MC-163673 - Baby husks, piglins, zombies, zombie villagers, and zombified piglins take damage when jumping into a space with a solid block above it
- MC-163945 - Intersecting structures can create corrupted block entities (spawner / chest)
- MC-165208 - Text and other UI elements are completely black when being affected by night vision and the void/blindness simultaneously
- MC-165846 - Pufferfish can take suffocation damage when bloating
- MC-165924 - Snow particles render darker / almost transparent if the block light level is 7 or more
- MC-166187 - Some mobs still try to hit players in Peaceful
- MC-166850 - Iron golem high crack texture overlaps the low and medium cracks, causing the crack textures to look the same
- MC-167055 - Blocks in the inventory are lit too bright while being picked up
- MC-167113 - Snow Golem take damage from block that aren't technically in it's head
- MC-167853 - Observer doesn't detect when a grass block changes to dirt if a tree grows on top
- MC-167977 - Podzol generated from giant spruce trees is not snowy if it has snow above it
- MC-168398 - Guardian beam is darker
- MC-168900 - Shulkers teleport with original dimension coordinates after passing through portals
- MC-169717 - Blocks in recipe book groups are rendered in front of item tooltips
- MC-169900 - Incorrect jigsaw setting in snowy_small_house_8
- MC-169945 - Skeletons don't burn in minecarts while being exposed to daylight
- MC-170443 - Banner copying recipe ignores existence of other items in crafting grid
- MC-170653 - Fireworks fired from a dispenser get stuck in the air when removing the block they crashed into
- MC-170659 - Loss of precision in entity_scores conditions
- MC-171229 - Loading animation not displaying correctly after optimizing world
- MC-171852 - Putting item in a spectator's hand plays sound "Gear equips" for other players
- MC-172304 - Piglins, piglin brutes, hoglins, zoglins and axolotls can attack their own teammates
- MC-172362 - Lava item burning sound does not play sometimes
- MC-172466 - Entities misaligning when growing up
- MC-173745 - Lower part of end gateway block beam renders incorrectly
- MC-173834 - Glowing damaged iron golem outline shows cracks
- MC-174216 - Shulkers riding a vehicle sometimes appear in the ground after reopening world
- MC-174685 - Drowned arm texture is reversed by the model
- MC-174701 - Leash knot sound effect plays when loading singleplayer world
- MC-174876 - Shulker spawn egg spawns shulker inside soul sand, snow layers, farmland, grass path and honey block
- MC-175959 - One door is open in taiga_shepherds_house_1
- MC-175964 - Setblock command run by book in lectern to clear inventory run in command block causes ghost items
- MC-176614 - Swimming and doing certain actions make the player look very odd/does not have animations for swimming + doing certain actions
- MC-176615 - It is possible to destroy netherite items with lava by putting them inside a container
- MC-177539 - When flattening a grass block into a path immediately after the grass block grows from dirt, the shovel sound doesn't play
- MC-177622 - One log in taiga_butcher_shop_1 seems to be misrotated - causing the side roof to look asymmetrical
- MC-177624 - Entrance in snowy_medium_house_2 is asymmetrical
- MC-177630 - Infested Stone blocks are mined instantly with silk touch
- MC-179116 - Burning item sound ignores lava hitbox level
- MC-180529 - TrueType fonts crash on Intel Graphics
- MC-181889 - Equipping sound plays when mobs picking up non-armor items
- MC-182455 - Entity shadow texture glitching with resource pack
- MC-182794 - Making a new map while holding one in the offhand will duplicate that map
- MC-182954 - "block.minecraft.banner.base." displays raw translation string (is untranslated)
- MC-183067 - Shulkers can push marker armour stands
- MC-183540 - Ancient debris is not grouped together with other ores in the Creative inventory
- MC-183547 - Stone and polished blackstone buttons/pressure plates are located at opposite ends of the spectrum of buttons in the Creative inventory despite being identical in behaviour
- MC-183771 - Gamemode switcher icons in the F3+F4 menu are not centered
- MC-183884 - Shulkers are afraid of being next to another shulker
- MC-183917 - Min and max are both required in entity_scores condition
- MC-185357 - Removing a plant from a flower pot still plays generic armor equipping sound/shows Gear equips in subtitles
- MC-185359 - Using a bucket in Survival mode still plays generic armor equipping sound/shows Gear equips in subtitles
- MC-185360 - Milking a mooshroom for stew still plays armor equip sound/shows Gear equips subtitle
- MC-185605 - Kelp generates on top of Magma Blocks
- MC-186172 - Shulkers open into blocks when unable to teleport
- MC-186864 - Leather armour can appear white
- MC-186879 - Standing in fire and water spams the extinguish sound
- MC-187544 - 'Cover Me With Diamonds' advancement improperly capitalized
- MC-187664 - World border uses float to determine its size, making some border sizes inaccessible, and cannot be set to 30 million or beyond
- MC-188044 - Using a banner on a filled cauldron plays hand animation
- MC-188448 - Food pops off of campfire when extinguished
- MC-189336 - Shifting around servers in the server list crashes the game (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException)
- MC-189482 - LAN World screen buttons are selected in the wrong order when using Tab
- MC-189535 - Catching a fish in a bucket on creative mode doesn't give player new bucket
- MC-189565 - Some entities do not render inside of spawners and producing error log spam in console, potentially causing lag
- MC-189885 - New byte previousGamemode is read incorrectly
- MC-189888 - When the window size is changed on the main menu, a white flash appears
- MC-190128 - Using a flint and steel to ingite TNT is not tracked by the in-game stats
- MC-190247 - Mob death cloud particles do not show up when killing a mob shortly after the world is loaded
- MC-190454 - Desync when a player rides a horse riding another mob, and that mob dies
- MC-190674 - Shift clicking banners out of loom causes ghost items
- MC-190677 - Shulkers aren't aligned to the grid for a split second after being spawned in
- MC-190774 - Stonecutter saw spins both ways simultaneously
- MC-190896 - Lag when opening a shipwreck chest containing buried treasure map
- MC-190952 - Apostrophe in "Developers of Mo' Creatures" heading is inconsistent with other apostrophes in credits
- MC-191338 - Name color for Minecart with Command Block is incorrect
- MC-191714 - Player is dismounted when standing on farmland while riding a horse/boat while the farmland turns to dirt, causing a desync
- MC-192591 - Name color for Structure Void is incorrect
- MC-192594 - plains_stable_1 misplaced blocks
- MC-192629 - plains_stable_2 misplaced blocks
- MC-192876 - Misplaced trapdoor on taiga_decoration_6
- MC-192879 - Wall incorrectly placed on certain taiga houses
- MC-192889 - When placing certain heads or putting them in entities' head slot the game stutters
- MC-192930 - Zombies picking up items play the gear equipping sound and subtitle
- MC-193071 - Eating food items that return empty containers still play gear equipping sound
- MC-193386 - Shulkers spawned attached to the groud attaches themselves to a wall after another shulker is spawned
- MC-194089 - Shulkers at some Y positions refuse to get a Peek value
- MC-194183 - Some experience points do not go towards Mending repair, even if the Mending gear is not fully repaired
- MC-194675 - While spectating a creeper, enderman, spider or cave spider, UI elements are rendered completely white
- MC-194685 - Collecting water from cauldrons with glass bottles in Creative mode is still inconsistent
- MC-194686 - Collecting water from cauldrons with buckets in Creative mode is still inconsistent
- MC-195125 - plains_animal_pen_1 misplaced block
- MC-195126 - plains_animal_pen_3 misplaced blocks
- MC-195351 - Comparator in compare mode can schedule unneeded tileticks
- MC-195461 - The upper part of potted cactus/bamboo texture is not visible if there is a half block above it
- MC-195640 - Suspicious stew inedible with full hunger
- MC-195806 - Smoker's top and bottom textures have inconsistently colored pixels
- MC-195827 - "datapackFailure.title" line in "en_us.json" file has double spaces between the translation string and the equivalent text
- MC-196298 - Arrows fired into the side of bamboo or pointed dripstone never despawn
- MC-196425 - "Off" is not completely capitalized for the Distortion Effects and FOV Effects sliders, which is inconsistent with other sliders
- MC-196500 - Banners are rendered too bright in the inventory
- MC-196542 - Small cleanup for skylight propagation code
- MC-196638 - Placing an armor stand logs warning "Trying to add entity with duplicated UUID"
- MC-197009 - Referencing empty item tag in recipe can crash client
- MC-197073 - Turtles laying eggs on red sand produce normal sand particles
- MC-197140 - Jack o'Lantern doesn't come after Carved Pumpkin in Creative Inventory
- MC-197179 - Baby piglins that pick up leather don't despawn, cluttering the Nether with unnecessary baby piglins
- MC-197276 - Pufferfish gives poison IV instead of II
- MC-197328 - Entities sometimes don't render behind the water surface on Fast or Fancy graphics
- MC-197524 - Border chunks do not enforce neighbors to be loaded, causing light updates to get stuck
- MC-197561 - Carved pumpkins and jack o'lanterns create swastikas
- MC-197616 - Certain custom biome settings cause game to spam "Received invalid biome id: -1" in the console, causing major lag or freeze
- MC-197805 - Minecraft crashes every time I try to craft something (caused by BungeeCord or Paper)
- MC-197883 - Jigsaw Structures causing DataFixer spam
- MC-197942 - Leaves change to stone near Lava Pool (Recurrence of MC-48340)
- MC-197947 - Creative mode player constantly gets extinguished while standing in constant fire in rain, making constant sound
- MC-198129 - ReplaceBlobsFeature changed from 1.16.1 to 1.16.2, affecting Basalt Delta generation
- MC-198200 - Crash when leaving out processors in a template pool: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: bound must be positive
- MC-198414 - if the angle in /spawnpoint is set to +-infinity, and the player dies, it will kick the player, and upon rejoin will crash the game
- MC-198432 - Pufferfish phases through blocks after reloading world
- MC-198514 - Creating a superflat world with nothing but air crashes the game
- MC-198535 - "time_check" predicate condition requires both "min" and "max" value
- MC-198725 - Crash when clicking "Presets" after setting the superflat preset with a non-existent biome
- MC-198805 - Floating pixel in the tailfin of a guardian/elder guardian
- MC-198807 - Making piglins and piglin brutes angry at certain entities (like dropped items) crashes the game
- MC-198864 - World border does not render below y=0 / above y=255
- MC-198957 - End Portal Frames change to Stone near Lava Pool
- MC-199065 - Zombies that die while on fire do not drop baked potatoes
- MC-199237 - Back of ladder is incorrectly mirrored
- MC-199239 - Vines appear incorrectly mirrored when viewed from behind
- MC-199242 - Texture planes of crop models appear incorrectly mirrored from behind
- MC-199356 - chatDelay in options.txt has a space between the colon and the value
- MC-199543 - Parity issue: Vine sounds
- MC-199702 - "netherrack_replace_blobs" of large size can cause inconsistent generation
- MC-199988 - When accessing a UI of a structure block from /setblock the texture changes from data to save
- MC-200001 - Holding a loaded crossbow in offhand and using a mainhand item inconsistently combines animation in third person
- MC-200009 - Crash when using a non-mushroom block in a huge mushroom feature's cap
- MC-200195 - Boats don't try dismounting you on land
- MC-200696 - Clock's texture does not match the new gold color pallete
- MC-200906 - Pufferfish hitbox incorrect when reloading world
- MC-201111 - Spectating mobs that has shaders with fabulous graphics makes the screen dark if the mob is in a block
- MC-201269 - Constantly teleporting player to a phantom crashes the game/kicks the player
- MC-201316 - The /give command can create so many items that the game will freeze
- MC-201369 - Skeletons can cause TNT to explode with mobGreifing set to false
- MC-201748 - Chain model planes are incorrectly mirrored on the rear
- MC-201751 - Chain section on lanterns is incorrectly mirrored from behind
- MC-201753 - Sea pickle green top sections do not render correctly from behind
- MC-201840 - Optional function tags sometimes don't run even when the tag exists
- MC-202186 - Houses in Zombie Villages disappear when spawned using /locate
- MC-202202 - Server is unable to prevent a player from dismounting a vehicle, causing a desync
- MC-202246 - Drowned navigation causes memory leak/performance degredation
- MC-202249 - Angering passive mobs in new nether chunks very far away from previously generated chunks, then entering a nether portal causes server to completely freeze
- MC-202543 - Ancient debris comes after netherite block in creative inventory
- MC-202760 - Area effect cloud does not enforce a maximum radius
- MC-203131 - Setting the weight in Template Pool to high values will lag world and can cause out of memory error.
- MC-203300 - Nether Gold Ore is not grouped with Nether Quartz Ore in creative inventory
- MC-203373 - Shulker bullet subtitles are not capitalized correctly
- MC-203374 - Falling blocks broken by shulkers have a strong directional bias
- MC-203397 - Ceiling vines rotate when other vines are placed in the same block space
- MC-205477 - Occasional desync when trying to enter/exit a boat while the server is lagging
- MC-205735 - Baby cows can suffocate on stairs
- MC-205797 - Zoglins attack Marker armor stands and Invisible armor stands
- MC-206560 - Pufferfish react to Marker armor stands and Invisible armor stands
- MC-207125 - Loaded crossbow in offhand does not show breaking block hand animation
- MC-207173 - Entering only colons into multiplayer Direct Connection & pressing enter crashes the game
- MC-207324 - Mobs and particles sometimes don't fully render behind stained or tinted glass
- MC-207405 - Nether stars can be blown up while being inside of a bundle/shulker box
- MC-208082 - Game stalls when any message is displayed in chat while playing with an expired session
- MC-208430 - Minecraft crashes when loading resource pack due to "tessellating block model"
- MC-208639 - Chiseled Blackstone Recipe unlocks when you get polished blackstone, not polished blackstone slab
- MC-208745 - Explorer maps & filled maps turn blank after entering the nether or end
- MC-209361 - Game crashes upon instantly click-replacing the block underneath a bamboo sapling with another bamboo
- MC-209625 - Baby llamas suffocate when below a solid block while standing on top of a carpet
- MC-209819 - Server crash when pathfinding to player that is teleporting away
- MC-210408 - /spawnpoint allows players to set their spawnpoint to out-of-bounds coordinates, which crashes the game when trying to respawn
- MC-210791 - Dropping an item on a shulker launches the item off
- MC-211064 - Loading in a TrueTypeFont with an out-of-bounds size crashes the game
- MC-211513 - Trident returning to owner not in the same world can cause permanent player kick
- MC-212123 - Player lighting is inconsistent in the inventory and appears darker on the front
- MC-212168 - Ctrl + Pick Block doesn't copy block state "lit"
- MC-212291 - Client can dismount vehicles independently from the server, causing a de-sync
- MC-212449 - Fish/(glow) squid spawned using /summon dry out instantly
- MC-212736 - Some world border faces are rendered mirrored, resulting in incorrect corners
- MC-213062 - A ruined portal generated in an end portal
- MC-214568 - Setting a lectern on fire causes z-fighting
- MC-214589 - End gateway exit portals can be set to high coordinates, kicking the player
- MC-214629 - FOV decreases when underwater regardless of FOV Effects accessibility setting
- MC-214693 - Tripwire texture is not mirrored correctly from behind
- MC-214694 - Tripwire which is part of a tripwire hook is not mirrored correctly from behind
- MC-214879 - Selecting nothing and pressing Ctrl+C clears clipboard
- MC-215534 - Spectating a mob with a shader whilst having a carved pumpkin equipped turns the screen completely white
- MC-216227 - Sugar cane item texture is no longer accurate from 13w36a onwards
- MC-216510 - The world border red effect, affects the brightness of a mob's shader
- MC-218023 - Netherite blocks are not grouped with iron and gold blocks in the Creative inventory
- MC-218112 - SynchedEntityData is using locks incorrectly
- MC-218888 - Shift Clicking items into inventory prevents the relevant advancement from triggering
- MC-218972 - The glowing effect outline omits parts of entities if the entity is invisible
- MC-220335 - Beacon beam is not affected by water fog
- MC-220694 - Name color for knowledge book is incorrect
- MC-220698 - The ExplosionPower of ghast fireballs is uncapped, causing a freeze / crash
- MC-222189 - Piston lag escalates massively with the total tile entity count.
- MC-223227 - Floating water caves in caves under the ocean
- MC-223322 - Chorus flowers can be broken with projectiles in spawn protection
- MC-223552 - Credits not alphabetically ordered
- MC-223558 - minecraft.used:minecraft.glass_bottle doesn't increase when taking water from a cauldron using a glass bottle
- MC-223563 - minecraft.used:minecraft.glass_bottle doesn't increase when collecting honey from a beehive or bee nest
- MC-223602 - Glowing translucent entities often don't merge their outlines with other glowing entities
- MC-223638 - minecraft.used:minecraft.shears doesn't increase when carving a pumpkin
- MC-223639 - minecraft.used:minecraft.shears doesn't increase when collecting honeycombs from a beehive or bee nest
- MC-223755 - minecraft.used:minecraft.water_bucket doesn't increase when filling a cauldron with a water bucket
- MC-224778 - Game crashes when there is a block with no facing block state in #wall_corals and a warm ocean tries to generate
- MC-225077 - Vines can spread upward to non-full blocks
- MC-225815 - A spawner has been replaced from a block of Stone
Get the Release
To install the release, open up the Minecraft Launcher and click play!
Cross-platform server jar:
- If you want to check out a few of the things that are upcoming in part II, you can download this data pack
Report bugs here:
Want to give feedback?
- Head over to our feedback website or come chat with us about it on the official Minecraft Discord.
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