Shed a tear, ladies and gentlemen, because we’ve almost reached the end of our Block of the Week series. Over the last year or two, we’ve gone through almost every block in the game, identifying its natural habitat, useful qualities, fun facts - and, in many cases, the closest thing to that block in real life.
You’ll notice that we didn’t cover every block in the game. We didn’t include individual colours of wool and other dyeable blocks, for example, or differentiate between the raw and polished versions of rocks like diorite. That would have got boring fast. Nor did we include blocks-that-aren’t-reeeeally-blocks, like Enchantment Tables, Cake and Minecarts.
But there’s one block that we we know you’ve been clamouring for us to feature almost since the start of the series. One block that has inspired you lot to send us hundreds of tweets, fanart and memes (so many memes). One block that we don’t quite see what all the fuss is about but is clearly popular, and who are we to argue with that. Is it time? Is it happening? It’s time. It’s happening. It’s note block. Note block is our block of the week. Oh. My. Block. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
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