This lush retreat holds many hidden secrets and mysterious constructions, ready to be discovered by anyone brave enough to venture to it. Created by the talented crafter TalSet, Tropical Island takes you on an exploration bonanza! Even if you just wanted a nice holiday from Tom’s evil deadlines! :(
“I wanted to create an environment where the player could solve quests, make decisions and discover the island's history and secrets,“ TalSet explains. “I really enjoy creating things, so in the first place I just wanted to create a map to build and have fun.”
This trip to the tropics is very different to what TalSet usually builds. Ever since he started playing Minecraft seven years ago, he’s been focused on creating builds with medieval settings. He has a soft spot for castles, particularly because of their diverse layouts, unique styles and sometimes imposing appearance.
“Living in Europe, you are pretty much surrounded by historic places,” TalSet says. “In my eyes old buildings just have so much more character than modern ones. It leaves a lot more room for imagination.”
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