We got a fever and the only prescription is more cowbell.
Changes in 19w09a
- Added new Note block sounds
- Fixed bugs
- Sprites for particles can now be configured in resource packs (though particle still controls how they will be used)
Note block
- 5 new Note block sounds have been added: Iron Xylophone, Cow Bell, Didgeridoo, Bit, and Banjo
- 1 previously existing, but unused, sound effect has now been made available: Pling
- The new Note block sounds can be heard by using Iron Blocks, Soul Sand, Pumpkins, Emerald Blocks, Hay Blocks, or Glowstone
Fixed bugs in 19w09a
- MC-106133 - Stray / Wither Skeleton / Pillager with Tipped Arrow in Offhand No Longer Shoot Tipped Arrows
- MC-132351 - Plants don't grow when there is block above them
- MC-137627 - Loom pattern selection turns blank when using banner patterns
- MC-137977 - Pillagers with Multishot or Piercing crossbows don't have the enchanted effects
- MC-138004 - Pillagers do not shoot fireworks from their offhand
- MC-139446 - Sky light not recalculated when blocks placed in air with /fill command
- MC-139689 - South-facing banners are placed differently on pillager outpost
- MC-140750 - Undead doesn't burn at sun in bamboo
- MC-141924 - Locking a map removes markers
- MC-141958 - Creeper and skeletons banners can be created without patterns
- MC-143404 - NPE: Ticking entity with trader llamas, sheeps, wolves, horses, cats and chickens
- MC-144078 - Foxes don't get effects from the food they eat
- MC-144136 - Foxes don't attack tropical fish or pufferfish
- MC-144182 - If Foxes have no AI, sleeping, and it's thundering, they will wake up
- MC-144184 - Foxes with fire aspect swords don't make cooked chicken when killing a chicken
- MC-144195 - Foxes attempt to sit while swimming
- MC-144514 - Water buckets won't interact with double slabs
- MC-144517 - Block of Quartz' bottom texture is the same as Smooth Quartz
- MC-144519 - Foxes are able to harvest berry bushes with mobGriefing false
- MC-144580 - Llamas spit at tamed wolves
- MC-144624 - Animals do not follow players holding food in creative mode
- MC-144784 - Entities are invisible when joining/teleporting to areas outside spawn chunks
Get the snapshot
To install the snapshot, open up the Minecraft Launcher and enable snapshots in the "Launch Options" tab.
Snapshots can corrupt your world, please backup and/or run them in a different folder from your main worlds.
Cross-platform server jar:
Report bugs here:
Want to give feedback?
- Head over to our feedback website or come chat with us about it on the official Minecraft Discord.
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